Elowen Thornevale Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Baroness Elowen Thornevale

by AI generated using Nightcafe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elowen was born in Ebony ridge to Darin and Shea Thornvale. She grew up quite wealthy from the trade associated with the nearby elven city of Illalona. At an early age she began playing with elven and human children and everything seemed to be in harmony. As she matured she developed diplomatic alliances with some of the elves within Illalona. This included the esteemed Winddream family. This was until the war of 344 when the relations between Stoze and the Northern Elven Kingdom were stressed even further.   She was told tales from days of old, stories of Queen Vanesa Ravenswood's crimes against the elven kingdom directly after the Realmswar. How they slaughtered any elf who didnt submit to the will of the Knights of the Black Rose and the Stozean Empire. They took land that had belonged to the elves for millennia. Elowen began to resent the Ravenswood family for the atrocities committed against elven citizens.


Elowen was given some of the best formal education within Stoze. She was tutored not only by scholars within Ebony ridge but also by Elven sages. She studied several languages including common, elvish, undercommon, celestial and dwarvish. Elowen studied the history of both Elven and Stozean civilizations and began to notice subtle yet import differences in the details between the two accounts. She also became well versed in the arts of subterfuge, statecraft and the arcane arts.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elowen's greatest achievements include a treaty and alliance with Illalona. Independently acting from the nation of Stoze, she vowed that Ebony ridge would stand by Illalona and Nyl Thalas if they were threatened by the Queen's army or anyone else. In exchange the citizens of Ebony ridge were granted access to Illalona and the vast stores of knowledge within. They also have an extensive trade market between the two cities.   Beyond this she also rose through the ranks of the College, Laxonia school of the Arcane arts, all the way to the top of her class. She excelled with magic and eventually became the ruler of the city by showing not only prowess with magic but diplomacy as well.

Personality Characteristics


Baroness Elowen's motivations are of pure intent. She seeks to right the wrongs of the past and restore the elven lands to their rightful owners. She would also rather see another family within the walls of the capital upon the throne. Elowen will do whatever it takes to have this come to pass.
Current Location
Date of Birth
15th of Taph, 497 RE
Year of Birth
497 29 Years old
Ebony Ridge
Dark brown with a tinge of dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lb
Known Languages
Common, undercommon, elvish, celestial and dwarvish
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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