Thornevale Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Elevating a shield adorned with interwoven thorns and a solemn crescent moon, the emblem of House Thornevale stands as a stark contrast to the symbols of Stoze's ruling houses. The motto, "Pati Noctem" - Suffer the Night, encapsulates their defiance and enduring opposition to the throne, particularly House Ravenswood, for their historical transgressions, including the controversial acquisition of elven lands.   The shield, fortified with thorns, symbolizes the resilience and defensive stance of House Thornevale against the actions of the ruling powers. The crescent moon, a harbinger of the night, evokes both sorrow and determination. Positioned as steadfast opponents of the throne, House Thornevale's emblem is a declaration of their enduring commitment to challenging the status quo and seeking justice for past wrongs. As advocates for those who have suffered, their symbol tells a tale of resistance, sacrifice, and the unyielding spirit that defines House Thornevale's legacy in Stoze.

"Pati Noctem" - Suffer the Night

by AI generated using Nightcafe
Controlled Territories

Articles under Thornevale

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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