Ebony Ridge Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Ebony Ridge


  Quarter of Knowledge  
  • Laxonia School of the Arcane Arts
  • Misce Scientiam - Shared library of knowledge between the elven, human and recovered dwarven texts.
  Quarter of Commerce  
  • All stones turned - Fine jewelry, gemstones
  Quarter of Power  
  • Seat of the Mountain - Throne room
  • Thornevale Estate


The architecture within the city of Ebony ridge has elements of the forgotten dwarven society throughout, with a newer human influence intertwined. Massive dwarven statues still dot the interior of Ebony ridge, left up to honor the civilization that built it. The homes within the city however follow a more gothic architecture familiar to those from Stoze. This unique mixture of Stozean And Dwarven architecture sets Ebony ridge apart from all other cities within the country.


Built into the Ferriden mountains to the North of Illalona, they have a naturally defensible position that would require a significant military force to infiltrate. The walls surrounding the city are 20 feet thick made from the stone they carved out of the mountain. Every ten feet there are ballista and trebuchet mounted on the tops of the wall, with arrow loops within the towers that pop up every 50 feet. There are also several remote towers scattered across the mountain side that act as warning beacons for incoming forces. Beyond the physical defenses the army within Ebony ridge is well trained and its numbers rival that of any city within Stoze. They also have an alliance with Illalona and an interconnected tunnel system that can allow for the transfer of troops easily between the two cities.


Originally a dwarven civilization, created in the Era of Balance. It was left to rot for an estimated 3,000 years after the dwarves abandoned it and migrated to Estrya. Eventually the Thornevale family discovered the city hidden within the edge of the mountain and nearly lost to time. Due to the amazing craftmanship of the Dwarves, most of the larger structures were left unscathed but the smaller and finer details in some areas were erased.   The Thornevale family began restoring Ebony Ridge to it's former glory immediately and after nearly a year of constant work they moved into their permanent residence. Throughout it's history they had a good relationship with the Elven city, Illalona, to the south. They even discovered a tunnel system that stretched all the way through the base of the mountain and exited near Illalona. This was used to travel between the cities for matters of diplomatic or business nature.
Founding Date
7382 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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