Levistus Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Levistus, the cunning and ambitious deity, holds dominion over the 9 Hells, embodying the essence of betrayal, vengeance, and the art of swordsmanship. His alignment leans towards lawful evil, reflecting a calculated and disciplined approach to achieving his dark ambitions.   Once the Archdevil of the 5th level of Hell, Levistus played a complex role in the Realmswar. His schemes and manipulations contributed to the chaos that unfolded, ultimately leading to his imprisonment. The realms sought justice for his malevolent actions, and he languished in confinement for centuries.   Freed from his infernal prison, Levistus wasted no time in resuming his scheming. From the shadows, he plotted against other archdevils, mortal powers, and any deity who stood in the way of his ascent to greater power. The black rapier encased in ice, his symbol, became a chilling representation of his calculated vengeance and the cold grip of betrayal.   As Astriel, in an effort to maintain cosmic balance, restructured the pantheon and purged deities with ambitions that mirrored the chaos of the Realmswar, Levistus seized the opportunity. Astriel, recognizing the need for a god to oversee the 9 Hells and prevent the rise of another realms-shaking conflict, ascended Levistus to the position of the God of the 9 Hells. Levistus now oversees the infernal hierarchy with disciplined malevolence. His realm is a bastion of calculated torment, where betrayal and vengeance intertwine with the artistry of swordsmanship. Mortals who seek power or harbor thoughts of treachery may find themselves drawn to his dark influence.   Levistus' legacy is one of intricate schemes and calculated betrayals. His rise from the depths of Hell to the position of a deity serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of ambition and the perils of navigating the intricate webs of power within the divine realms. As the God of Betrayal, Vengeance, and Swordsmanship, Levistus stands as a formidable force in the pantheon, his gaze piercing through the cold darkness of the 9 Hells. Mortals and deities alike tread carefully, aware that behind the disciplined facade lies a mind that weaves webs of treachery with each calculated move.

Holy Books & Codes

The infernal doctrines of Levistus are inscribed in the "Infernal Tome," a profane collection of decrees, contracts, and scheming stratagems. Bladereavers, zealous followers of Levistus, delve into these malevolent texts to glean forbidden knowledge, infernal rituals, and the art of manipulation to gain power in the Nine Hells.

Tenets of Faith

Bladereavers adhere to the tenets of ambition, deceit, and the pursuit of power within the infernal hierarchy. Levistus' teachings inspire followers to navigate the treacherous politics of the Nine Hells, making strategic alliances and employing cunning machinations to ascend the demonic ranks. Bladereavers strive to embody qualities of ruthlessness, cunning intellect, and an unwavering commitment to their own infernal ambitions.


The "Infernal Ascension" is a dark celebration among Bladereavers, marked by infernal rites, diabolic ceremonies, and the signing of infernal pacts. During this unholy event, followers engage in power struggles, forging demonic alliances, and engaging in treacherous schemes to elevate their standing in the infernal hierarchy. The holiday serves as a reminder of Levistus' influence on the pursuit of power and the ruthless climb through the ranks of the Nine Hells.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Levistus' divine goal is the continual manipulation and domination of the Nine Hells, ensuring that the infernal hierarchy remains in constant turmoil. Bladereavers are entrusted with the task of executing diabolical plots, forging demonic, infernal and mortal alliances, and perpetuating chaos in the infernal realms. The god inspires followers to rise in power through cunning and subterfuge.
Current Location
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Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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