Glacial Bastion Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Glacial Bastion

Purpose / Function

The Glacial Bastion serves as a desolate prison, a frozen realm where the souls of those ensnared by the Bladereavers undergo relentless torment until they succumb to the will of Levistus. It acts as a crucible, breaking down the spirits of the defiant and reshaping them into obedient soldiers of the Frostblade Legion for the Lord of the Nine Hells.


The Glacial Bastion is a foreboding structure, a massive fortress of ice atop the glacier. The prison's central keep is adorned with grotesque sculptures depicting the suffering of the damned. The architecture is stark and angular, reflecting Levistus' disciplined malevolence.   The interior comprises freezing cells where the Bladereavers break the will of their captives. The heart of the prison houses the Infernal Tome, a forbidden repository of knowledge and power guarded by powerful devils. Deep within the glacier lies an infernal forge where the transformed souls are molded into obedient soldiers, their armor and weapons infused with the essence of Stygian ice.


The Glacial Bastion is surrounded by a treacherous sea of frozen waters, making escape nearly impossible. Three imposing watch towers, each manned by powerful and vigilant devils, stand sentinel on the perimeter of the glacier. These towers are equipped with enchanted ice cannons that can unleash devastating blasts, freezing any would-be escapees in their tracks. Magical wards woven into the icy fabric of the prison deter teleportation and planar travel.   The prison itself is a maze of icy corridors and cavernous chambers, patrolled by relentless ice devils. The very air within the Glacial Bastion carries an otherworldly chill, draining the strength of any who dare resist. The souls trapped within are further tormented by spectral guardians that haunt the frigid halls, ensuring compliance.


Forged in the icy heart of Stygia, the Glacial Bastion has stood for eons as a testament to Levistus' dominion. It was created to consolidate his power by binding the most ambitious and treacherous souls to his service. Over the centuries, the prison has witnessed countless souls tortured into submission, their anguished cries echoing through the frozen expanse.
Parent Location

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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