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(a.k.a. Slightly Crazed Redstone God)

Mad genius or brilliant savant? Many have asked this question in regards to the son of Lady Turavus, Avalan the Redstone God. Deep in Redstone Bayou, just outside Rivermouth, where impossible things may happen that the world has never seen before, he works tirelessly, at times seeming more focused on his work than on the world around him. But he is also very caring when someone is hurt.

Divine Domains

  • Redstone
  • Innovation and Progress
  • Medicine

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Redstone and Iron are Ses’ser’s preferred symbols, with the electrified red being his usual color.


The Rivermouth Festival is a very popular holiday celebrated in the city of the same name. It features a parade, parties, and eventually concludes with a showcase of the newest redstone machines, judged by Avalan himself, with the winner getting a personal tour of the laboratory hosted by Nitro.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The continued innovation and progress of redstone machines and the invention thereof.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avalan’s body is almost identical to that of a rather slender iron golem-Mostly comprised of iron topped by a jack-o-lantern which serves as his head. Like his cousins Yona, Celes, and Astel, it is unknown if Avalan has a secondary “world golem” form like his mother and uncles.

Facial Features

Avalan’s primary facial feature, aside from the jack o’ lantern, are his brilliant red eyes which spark like live redstone

Special abilities

  • Redstone Manipulation: Avalan can manipulate redstone dust, ore, blocks, and signals as he so chooses
  • Inspiration: Avalan can grant inspiration for Redstone projects or other ideas. For this, he is rarely regarded as a god of strategy by more militaristic types.
  • Healing: Avalan is able to heal almost any wound excepting the most fatal, which requires the assistance of his uncle Herobrine.

Apparel & Accessories

Avalan typically wears a lab coat when working, with one of his rules being “no lab coat, no lab entry! No exceptions.”   He also wears dark jeans and a long sleeve black shirt, along with a long red “scarf” which serves as a second pair of arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avalan was born by Turavus during the Gold Age, when humanity rediscovered the power of redstone after the Fall of Herobrine.   He soon set up a laboratory within and underneath what is now Redstone Bayou, just outside where Rivermouth would later be settled in the Netherite Age.   Within here, Avalan has produced many wonders the world uses today. Among these includes automated farming machines, as well as the internally expanded pack which is commonly used by many explorers today.   During the late Redstone Age, a sleep deprived Avalan decided to try his hand at genetic experimentation, fusing human DNA with that of a Creeper, producing Nitro.

Gender Identity

Avalan identifies as male

Intellectual Characteristics

Avalan is a highly intelligent individual. However, he does tend to hyperfocus with newer projects and ideas, his mind zipping from one to the next. Avalan can often be fairly easily distracted on a normal day.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Avalan rarely thinks before he does something


Family Ties

  • Turavus (mother)
  • Nitro (son)

Religious Views

“I don’t have time for religion-I’m too busy!” “You’re LITERALLY a GOD.” “Oh yeah...”

Social Aptitude

Not the best in public. At all.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of Redstone
  • God of Innovation
Circumstances of Birth
Born of Turavus during the Gold Age
Current Residence
Redstone Bayou
Redstone red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Color of steel
Known Languages
As a god, Avalan knows every language, including Ender, Nethertongue, Testif, and Common.
Ruled Locations

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