Redstone Bayou Geographic Location in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Redstone Bayou


The Redstone Bayou is a fairly standard wetland outside Rivermouth. It has a mix of large lakes and areas of semi-solid ground. The area also has many above-ground caves that lead into larger, tunneling caverns beneath the surface. These caves are rich in redstone deposits, hence the bayou's name.

Fauna & Flora

Most trees in the Redstone Bayou are swamp oaks, mangroves, buttonwoods, or willows. Patches of sawgrass grow in the deep marshes. Sea grass and algae grow in the ponds. Other common terrestrial plants include tall grasses, reeds, sugar cane, and various flowers -- the most iconic of these being the blue swamp orchid.
Swamps like the Redstone Bayou are one of the very few places where slimes can be found on land. These gelatinous creatures are drawn to moonlight (thus appearing in the greatest numbers when the moon is full) and are known to be used as witch's familiars. The Redstone Bayou is also home to populations of swamp pigs, frogs, wetland creepers, and mosquitoes, and many other creatures.

Natural Resources

The Redstone Bayou's aforementioned rich supplies of redstone are its chief resource. Most towns therein, such as Rivermouth, base their economy on exporting redstone and other mined materials.
Plant material unique to the swamp also proves to be a valuable resource for trading. Swamp orchids are found nowhere else on earth, making them a valuable and renewable source of blue dye. The only other reliable source of blue dye is lapis lazuli, which is somewhat rare, must be mined out, and is not renewable.
The copious amount of sugar cane in the Redstone Bayou is a boon for the paper and sugar milling trades in the area. For this reason, the Bayou's paper and sugar industries almost rival its redstone trade with their size and economic power.
Wetland / Swamp
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