Explorer's League Organization in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Explorer's League

Members of the EL, identifiable by a yellow badge with a colored logo, seek out the truth behind ancient stories.


  1. League Head-Identifiable by a white logo, The League Head is the ultimate authority within the EL
  2. League Admin-Identifiable by a blue logo. Admins pick and choose which missions members will be sent out on.
  3. League Veteran-Identifiable by a green logo. Veterans often do research and serve as guides for lower-ranked members.
  4. League Member-Identifiable by a red logo. The most numerous rank of the League, members do whatever task is assigned to them by the higher-ups.
  5. League Initiate-Identifiable by a black logo. League Initiates are brand new members of the EL.


The League has a few tenants that all members are required to follow.
  1. Take nothing except for pictures. An Explorer leaves a site as they found it to the best of their ability.
  2. Respect and you shall be respected. An Explorer will show due respect when travelling to new places and meeting new people (it is due to this rule that Initiaism monestaries are simply marked on official maps of the world and nothing further).
  3. Keep in touch. An Explorer will make sure someone knows where they are going, and will send regular messages back to the nearest EL station so they can be found if the need arises.

Public Agenda

As their motto suggests, the Explorer's League's main goal is to study history and explore ancient sites to find truth behind the ancient stories of the Diamond and Gold ages.


The League has a considerable armory, containing weapons of various classifications, ranging from wooden training swords, to incredibly rare netherite blades.   Also of note are the numerous outposts scattered around the world, which not only serve as places for expedition teams to come together to rest, but as safe spaces for unaffiliated adventurers to spend the night.


The Explorer’s League was founded in the early Redstone Age during the Dominance Crisis and its headquarter’s established in the city of Haxgate.   At some point, the Explorer's League discovered that the then-widely accepted tale of the Fall, in which Herobrine was cast into the depths of the world as humanity grew hubristic, was a newer version of the tale, with the original telling that Herobrine himself had gone on a rampage and needed to be restrained by the other gods. This eventually led to the discovery of records about sudden and massive earthquakes decimating ancient cities (later investigation revealed the existance of the D-G Impactor Crater). While it is still unconfirmed that a god instigated these tremors, the ruins remain, and one of the League's many goals is to study all that can be found.   This event was their first major discovery, and led to world wide recognition by higher members of civilization, with some members retiring from the League to teach at the esteemed Treehold University.

"Find the truth behind the myth"

Expedition, Scientific
Alternative Names
Leader Title

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