Initiator’s Henge Building / Landmark in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Initiator’s Henge

A circle of upright stones stood in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by a hemisphere of five large pillars. The only sounds were my breathing and soft birdsong. This place felt... so ancient and peaceful. There was power in the air I could feel... a power that felt primordial. I knelt before the place and uttered a quick prayer to the Initiator... and I swear I heard them answer, “You are safe here. Be at peace.” - Traveller’s Guide of Ancient Temples

Purpose / Function

This complex was constructed in the ancient Diamond Age with the purpose of honoring and worshipping the Initiator in all their glory.   Some traditional Initiaists believe that it was at this henge, or the spot it was built upon, that the world was first brought into being and that all life originalted at this point.


As of its rediscovery, minor attempts to clean and repair the stones have been made, but none on a major scale.


The long-abandoned temple is aligned with the equinox sun, constructed of a ring of trilithons among other standing stones. Standing around it is a semicircle of five other stones, giving the appearance that the temple is being held in the hand of an enormous giant-coincidentally, one of the Initiator’s forms is believed to be that of such a giant.
Surrounding the five stones are what appear to be the remains of ten pillars of Prismarine, mirroring the ten obsidian pillars found on the central End Island. In the middle of each is what appears to be an inactive conduit structure, though the conduits themselves are no longer present. This leads a few researchers to believe that, at one point, the Henge was surrounded by water which has since dried up.


The temple was constructed during the Diamond Age, and was widely frequented. As humans learned more and more about crafting, worshippers frequented Spawn Point less and less, until it was all but forgotten by the time of the Fall and the beginning of the Gold “dark” ages.   Only in the early Redstone age was the temple rediscovered by the Explorer’s League. Since then the temple rarely sees visitors aside from those who wander and need guidance.


While tourists are uncommon (in fact, commercial tourism in the area is not permitted), the structure recieves regular pilgrimages every equinox by the faithful.
Alternative Names
World Spawn Point
Temple / Church
Parent Location

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