The Initiator Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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The Initiator

In the beginning, or so scripture tells us, there was naught but the Void. Within the Void, the Initiator awoke. They reached up and to their amazement, the Bedrock appeared, wrapping around their hand. Emboldened, The Initiator pulled themselves through the forming Bedrock Layer until they stood tall and proud upon the foundation of the World. This is how the World began.

Divine Domains

  • Creation
  • the Bedrock
  • The Multiverse

Holy Books & Codes

There are no specific holy books or codes with which one worships the Initiator, with each church generally following it’s own path to their faith.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dark pit, bedrock, a dark banner with the world emblazoned in white on it

Tenets of Faith

  • Do not murder.
  • Do not commit crimes of power or passion
  • If you need help, ask for it
  • Seek justice, not vengeance


The Initiator is primarily celebrated at the start and end of each year.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Initiator’s true form is currently, for lack of a better term, asleep deep beneath the surface of the world.   On the extremely rare occasion that they form an avatar, that body is always in peak physical health and condition.

Body Features

Their true form is a 128 meter (420 ft) tall giant of an entity that appears to be made out of pure bedrock and light, resembling the viewer’s species in further details.   The Initiator has also on occasion taken various avatars. These forms have been all manner of genders, races, and other things all across history. Sometimes fighting on the front lines, at others simply content to live their life in the background.   Their favored humanoid form in the modern Iron Age appears to be a generic non binary human with dark skin, and close cropped hair.

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

Softly glowing eyes, like small suns

Special abilities

  • Creation: The Initiator is the creator of all things in the world, and can will into existence whatever they desire with a thought.
  • Omnipresence: The Initiator can manifest where-ever they wish.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Initiator was, for lack of a better term, “born” as a mass of raw creative energy within an empty Void. As they pulled themselves up, the bedrock layer began to spread above them and formed a physical body around them, until the Initiator stood fully an impressive 128 meters in height. They saw the world was dark and cold, and this took a spark of the power in their core. From it, they ignited the sun, from which came Hogimal. Initiator took another spark and created Turavus alongside the moon.   Next to form was Ses’ser from the flecks of Void which remained in the Initiator. As the Overworld, Nether, and End took shape, the God of Creation began to tire, and with a final burst of power, formed the god of humanity, Herobrine. They then passed into what can be assumed to be a deep slumber.

Gender Identity

non binary

Accomplishments & Achievements

Created just about everything that is, was, and will be (the Void being the exception).


Murder, betrayal

Personality Characteristics


The creation and flourishing of the universe they created.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

The Initiator is unused to regular social contact, but they tend to adapt quickly.


They are generally polite and formal.


The Initiator’s speech and cadence tends to match that of whomever is listening. They use polite and formal language when conversing with most mortals.   When interacting with their immediate family (Hero, Ses’ser, Turavus, Hogimal, and their descendants) or with Creatives (including Steve, Alex and on rare occasion Seth), the Initiator is far more relaxed, often joking around.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Our Creator
  • The First One
Circumstances of Birth
Arose from the Void at the beginning of the world
The Void
Current Residence
Bottom of the Overworld
purest sunlight/dark blue
None/blond, cut short, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
None/Bedrock gray/ambiguously brown
6 foot/128 meters
130 lbs/weightless
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Please, do not kneel. Stand up and let me see your face, child.”
Known Languages
The Initiator knows all languages spoken by sapient beings, and is generally heard speaking in the language and accent the listener knows best.

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