New Aether Building / Landmark in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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New Aether

“That place is cursed... more undead walk there than almost anywhere else above ground...

Purpose / Function

Constructed in an attempt to make a name for themselves (Intended) House the richest of humanity


New Aether’s final alteration was the installation of a device called an “aether generator”, which allowed the city to fly completely unsupported just above the clouds.


New Aether was allegedly a flying city built to ascend to the heavens and place “the best” of humanity among the gods.   The gods took offense to this rather strenuously, and descended on the city. First Herobrine dropped from the sky and landed in the city square. Then his brothers and sisters rose up, revealing their true forms of netherrack, ice, and endstone.   Together, they destroyed the city and all upon it, sending New Aether crashing to the ground. But an already incensed Herobrine was not content to let the greedy and prideful survivors of the crash walk away with bruised egos, and sought to kill them, only being restrained by Lady Turavus.   At least, that was the story.


While the ruins are not open to tourism exactly, the Explorer's League occasionally holds expeditions to the city from the nearby base.
Alternative Names
The Pride of Humanity, the Cursed City
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location

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