Villager Ethnicity in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Villager names contributed (read: shamelessly stolen) from Verziez
Villagers are the most widely recognizable variant of Testificates. Testificates with mixed Illager and Villager ancestry are known as Mixedagers.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Maudie, Nellie, Agatha, Maria, Judy, Penelope...

Masculine names

Coen, Guy, Kane, Ronan, Damien, Dan, Jeff...

Unisex names

Clancy, Azurite, Gren, Brek...


Major language groups and dialects

Most Villagers speak the Villagerese dialect of Testif as their mother tongue; they are also taught Common from a very young age. They have difficulty learning other languages, especially Nethertongue and Ender.

Culture and cultural heritage

Community is highly valued among the Villager kind. Instead of a nuclear family model, Villagers care for all children in the community and not strictly their own. They dislike interacting with other villages and prefer to marry among their own community.
Their economy is based on trading emeralds. The gems have little outside use, and are hard to counterfeit, making them an ideal currency in the eyes of the Villagers. Humans also use emeralds to trade, allowing the two species to exchange goods between themselves. Humans are the only species Villagers trade with, as Enders are uninterested and Piglins use gold as a currency instead.
By default, most Villagers are neutral to other groups of sapient creatures. They become friendlier when traded with, and grow hostile when attacked or looted. However, there is a long-standing conflict between the Villagers and the Illagers. The origins of this animosity is unknown. On sight of an Illager, most Villagers will either flee or express some kind of aggression towards them. Villager soldiers have been known to ambush Illager outposts, usually by setting fire to them at night. They will loot the structure for valuables (often in search of weapons) and abduct the Illager children there to raise as Villagers.

Shared customary codes and values

They value community, hard work, humility, resourcefulness, and contentment with what one has.

Common Etiquette rules

Generally, Villagers tend to keep their hands tucked in their sleeves unless working or otherwise have need to use them. To them, it is a sign of propriety; a suitably neat and tidy villager has their life in order that they can tuck their hands into their sleeves and let them rest.
Villagers love to gossip. Favourite topics for conversation include the weather, rumours about happenings beyond the village, trades, people's health, and human activity within the village. It is not seen as rude among them, but as a means of communication.
Above all, they believe that a proper Villager is polite, a good worker, socially connected, and mindful of the world around them. Failure to abide by the unspoken rules of etiquette may result in being shunned by others, or even exiled from the village. Perhaps that is the origin of the Illagers.

Common Dress code

Their choice of clothing and other adornments is dictated by their environment, occupation, and social rank. There does not appear to be a distinction between male villagers’ clothes and that of females.
Villagers use small badges pinned to clothes as indicators of rank. The lowest rank, Novice, is represented by a badge made from a pebble; it designates children, Nitwits, unemployed people, or people freshly inducted into a role. The highest rank is Master and is represented with a diamond badge. Rumour has it, though, that there is a rank even higher than Master which is represented by a Netherite badge. That rumour seems unsubstantiated.

Art & Architecture

Villager architecture relies on comfortable, rustic construction. They build their homes and other structures out of practical materials found in abundance nearby. Villages are usually built around centralised structures to serve as meeting-places. Such community centrepieces include bell arches, wells, and home trees.
Tapestry is a favoured form of art among the Villagers. They weave them to create coats of arms for the village and important families therewithin. It is also a favourite method for recording stories to be displayed for future generations, in a manner similar to stained glass decoration.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Villagers prefer open planned villages, as the name implies. Their villagers are based around several meeting points, such as bell arches and wells. It is custom to build houses and neighbourhoods in such a way that everything is connected and situated about such a central point.
Encompassed species
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