Rock Gnome


Rock gnomes live in the intricately built city complexes in Golaria. They are rarely found living elsewhere, although some do enjoy second homes in other provinces.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Rock gnomes take pride in their, long and overly dramatic sounding, names which they enjoy reciting at all introductions. Some refuse to be referred to anything but their entire full proper name, while others are more relaxed and develop a short moniker for casual interactions.   A Rock gnome often has 4 or more names: a first name provided at birth, a second name selected by the individual when they become adult, a middle name selected or created by the individual, and a family name. The middle name is a name of honor and may be the name of an honored friend, or a name made by combining names of friends, places, or events as the gnome sees fit. Each of the gnome names generally contain five or more phonetic syllables. However, it is not unheard of for family names to contain only three or four.   An example of a Rock gnome name might be:
Banthalorious Talimarian Broganariah Zormidantrial


Culture and cultural heritage

See Forest Gnomes for cultural mating and child rearing customs.
Rock Gnome
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