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Malth Kjarnarrik

Malth Kjarnarrik is the homeland and possible origin point for the species known as the dwarves on Tirestir, and the subraces that stem from them. Many of the subraces of dwarves likely left Malth Kjarnarrik in ages past and evolved or adapted separately from the dwarves here. Long ago before the current age when the Xosutan Kingdom ruled over these lands the people of Malth Kjarnarrik made an interesting decision, instead of being conquered and fighting a costly war they agreed to become a client and allied state to the Xosutan, making the armor weapons, and siege engines in exchange for protection and economic protections that allowed Malth Kjarnarrik to trade with all cities and states within the Empire free of taxation, although that time is long since past Malth Kjarnarrik is persisted, stubborn like the dwarves that call it home.   Although The Golden Road of Earthroot comes to an end in the deepest recesses of Malth Kjarnarrik the people of this nations actually claim that the golden road was once the creation of their nation in ages past, when the underdark was a virgin realm before elves and mind flayers invaded and corrupted what was beneath. Although the Golden Road is now most indisputably owned and maintained by the duergar nation of Earthroot, a large section of the road and several trading post cities under Malth Kjarnarrik are owned instead by this nation.   Malth Kjarnarrik means Old Kingdom in Dwarvish, and their king bears a crown with the core gems upon its rim, nine molten gems that are said to burn with a fiery heat, although the one who bears the crown feels none of it. This ancient crown and the kingdom it belongs to are said to be one of the first established on Tirestir, although never one for vast expansionary visions, the dwarves had to contend with invasions from above, below, and all around throughout its time, and so the stubborn dwarves have developed a deep seated grudge bearing tradition, where wrongs are remembered for several generations and righted even when the perpetrators may be long dead.   Malth Kjarnarrik is currently in decline, with the reversal of most technological development during The Arrival, the dwarves were hit the hardest, many of their ancient forges lay cold as the stone around them, and their great siege foundries have been almost completely abandoned. Entire undercities have been withdrawn from, and large stone cities have sprung up on the surface where an agrarian farming lifestyle is easier for the dwarves now that they have little to trade, although a strong national sentiment to return to the times of old persist, and those willing to find the secrets to old Dwarvish rune magic are rewarded heavily.

Fauna & Flora

Glimmerhoof   Glimmerhoofs are majestic creatures native to the subterranean realms of Malth Kjarnarrik. They are large, horse-like animals with a stout and sturdy build, perfectly adapted to the rugged terrain of the dwarven kingdom. Glimmerhoofs have thick, shaggy fur in earthy tones of brown, gray, and bronze, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their rocky surroundings.   What makes Glimmerhoofs truly remarkable is their bioluminescent horns. These spiraled horns, resembling antlers, emit a soft, enchanting glow that illuminates the dark caverns they inhabit. The glow can vary in color, ranging from a warm golden hue to a cool bluish glow. The purpose of this natural illumination is still a mystery, but it is believed to play a role in attracting mates or as a means of communication.   Glimmerhoofs are highly valued by the dwarves of Malth Kjarnarrik, not only for their aesthetic beauty but also for their resilience and strength. Dwarven clans often form a deep bond with these creatures, using them as sturdy mounts and trusted companions in their underground expeditions.   Emberbloom   Emberbloom is a rare and revered plant found within the ancient tunnels and subterranean chambers of Malth Kjarnarrik. It is a striking flowering plant with vibrant crimson petals that emit a faint warmth, reminiscent of glowing embers. The petals have a velvety texture and emit a pleasant, spicy aroma.   Emberblooms are incredibly resilient and can withstand the harsh conditions of the dwarven underground. They thrive in the dimly lit environments and are often found growing near volcanic vents or hot mineral springs. Dwarves hold Emberblooms in high regard for their symbolism of endurance and perseverance.   The unique characteristic of Emberblooms lies in their blossoming cycle. These plants remain dormant for long periods, sometimes decades, in the darkness of the tunnels. But when conditions are just right, they burst into a magnificent display of fiery red blooms, transforming the caverns into a mesmerizing spectacle.   The petals of the Emberbloom are highly sought after for their enchanting properties. When dried and ground into a fine powder, they can be used in the creation of potent magical potions and elixirs. The dwarves of Malth Kjarnarrik carefully harvest these blooms, ensuring their sustainable cultivation to preserve the delicate balance between the plant and its underground habitat.


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