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The Nation of Valor is known for the fearlessness their name provides, but hardly the honor it insinuates. Valor is a chaotic nation that is ruled by a fluid dictatorship. The succession of this dictatorship is entirely decided by who can kill the previous dictator and this succession method and philosophy of might makes right is infused through every level of this society. Essentially slaves or serfs are sworn to those with the power to protect them or keep them under their control, who are in turn sworn to those who can protect or keep them under control, and so on until you get to the 'Valorous Hero' the title of the leader of this nation who has never died from old age.   The land mass and population of this nation is very small, although the amount of powerful and skilled individuals in this nation are higher than anywhere else in the world. The main income for this nation is their incredibly skilled mercenary armies they are willing to send to any other nation in the world for the right price. The headquarters of the Freesword Guild is located on the border between Valor and The Astarti Imperium, although they do have chapters throughout the world. The mercenary armies, and the heroes recruit from valor, have decided the fates of many wars, crisis, and other events on Tirestir.   Although generally considered a nation of thieves, warlords, vain, and power hungry individuals, it is also a home to refugees, and a place free from species discrimination. They have accepted both dark necromancers exiled from Veshen, Snow Elves displaced from their homeland, and many of the nobles and knights that were displaced by the expansion of the Astartii Imperium, which is reluctant to attack Valor as they currently rely on the mercenary forces sent from Valor to be the vanguard of their army.

Fauna & Flora

Shadowfang Wolf     The Shadowfang Wolf is a formidable creature found within the borders of Valor. These majestic and fearsome predators have sleek, obsidian-black fur that allows them to blend seamlessly into the darkness, earning them their name. They are known for their agility, speed, and deadly hunting instincts. Shadowfang Wolves possess sharp, phosphorescent fangs that glow with an eerie luminescence in the dim light, adding to their intimidating presence. They are highly valued by the people of Valor for their loyalty and ferocity, often serving as companions and symbols of strength for the powerful individuals who rule the nation.     Firebloom   The Firebloom is a unique and captivating plant native to the harsh landscapes of Valor. It is characterized by its vibrant fiery red and orange petals that resemble flickering flames. Despite growing in arid and unforgiving environments, the Firebloom thrives and brings color to the otherwise desolate landscapes of the nation. Its resilience and beauty have made it a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the people of Valor. The Firebloom is also known for its healing properties, with its leaves and petals being used in traditional Valoran herbal remedies and potions to treat wounds and ailments.


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