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This is a land of the dead and the living. It is considered the holy land of the god Sovershenstvo and most of the lesser gods/demigods under them. This land is ruled under a specific rule of law called the Dead Laws. The Dead Laws establish equal rights for sapient undead and the living though it does lock citizenship behind land owning individuals who show an aptitude for magic. Although this does cause the majority of those living here to be lower caste people the quality of life being much higher than almost all other nations keeps them from rebelling. The high standard of living is due to the extremely high amount of mindless undead that are used to do jobs such as mining, farming, construction, and maintaining infrastructure, as well as fill the role of foot soldiers in the army. This gives even non-citizens the ability to attend school, a rare luxury to many, and it emphasizes higher skill based jobs or for individuals to learn magic to achieve citizenship. Although this society does not believe in someone's right to their body after death, as corpses are collected by the state much to the dismay of individuals who follow gods that promote burials which is almost every god other than the god of the Undead.   Vershen has extremely strained relations with almost every other country on Tirestir, especially those coastal nations in the ocean between Xhenta and Nelon. Vershen is responsible for conducting night raids on the territory of many of these nations, independent necromancers strike out to gather corpses from the burial grounds of any peoples they can reach. This has sparked several wars in the past, but due to Vershen's isolated island location, and the hoards of undead they can unleash upon their enemies, these wars typically are short and bloody affairs that Vershen ends up better off than they started due to the influx of corpses. There are a handful of countries that have long ongoing wars with Vershen, the main being Aurbis, which has maintained a millenia long magical cold war with Vershen, the other's being Jingling and The Einborn Clan Lands, which maintain this status to make sure all from vershen know they will likely be killed on sight, although not officially at war many other nations also maintain this policy.   Vershen is currently ruled by The Chosen of Sovershentvo, a powerful archlich who has surpassed the need to feed on souls to maintain their immortality. They have ruled Vershen longer than even they seem to be able to remember, and although some acredit the dead laws to them, if asked they say they were instated by Sovershentvo, God of Undeath himself, before he ascended to godhood. The Chosen rules Vershen as a King or Emperor with a council of advisors and various governers and rulers to oversee their realm, all of whome are powerful magic users in their own right.

Fauna & Flora

Soulshade Vine     The Soulshade Vine is a unique plant that thrives in the shadowy realms of Vershen. Its long, sinuous vines are adorned with deep purple leaves that emit a soft, ethereal glow. These vines possess a symbiotic relationship with the undead, drawing nourishment from the ambient magical energy that permeates the land. The Soulshade Vine's roots extend deep into the soil, absorbing the residual life force of the deceased, further reinforcing its connection to the realm of the dead. Despite its otherworldly appearance, the Soulshade Vine is known for its healing properties, as extracts from its leaves and tendrils possess potent rejuvenating qualities, often used in the creation of medicinal potions.   Shadehound   The Shadehound is a mysterious creature that roams the plains and forests of Vershen. It is a spectral canine-like creature, with sleek, shadowy fur that seems to shift and ripple as if made of wisps of darkness. Possessing keen senses, the Shadehound serves as a loyal companion to the denizens of Vershen. Its ability to see beyond the veil between the living and the dead makes it an invaluable asset in navigating the spiritual realms. These ethereal hounds are known for their swift movements and the ability to phase through solid objects, enabling them to pursue and apprehend elusive targets. They are often employed as guardians of sacred sites and key locations within the realm, serving as protectors of the balance between life and death.


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