Tiriande, the Founder Queen Character in Tiriande | World Anvil
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Tiriande, the Founder Queen

"There never was a trap they didn't spring or sleeping beast they did not wake - nary a fight they survived unscathed. Yet win they did, still, almost always; and it wasn't until I, too, joined them that I realized why: They were the best of us. They never gave up. They trusted everyone, and would believe in the good of the hearts of even the filthiest bugbear. I saw it as a weakness. But it was exactly what we needed at the time."
  • Magister Valorast
  • Founder Queen Tiriande, also known as Tiriande the Terrible, Tiriande the Foolish and various other epithets, was the founder of what would later become the Kingdom of Tiriande.   In life, they were an adventurer of great renown, but, notably, not great skill. They were charismatic and surrounded by fast, competent friends, but they themselves were often said to fail three out of four things they attempted.   Their greatest success, too, was born out of failure, as their adventuring party found themselves hopelessly stranded in an unknown dimension in the midst of what was, supposedly, a quest of great import. When they missed the deadline for return by months, then years, Tiriande realized they would never be able to leave, and started the process of building a new home within the newly christened Dungeonscape by forming alliances with other stranded adventurers and several tribes of monster races.   Though they proved to be a much better queen than they ever were an adventurer, it was not to last; when their wife, a fellow member of their original adventuring party by the name of Adriella Lirayne, died suddenly, they became obsessed with finding a way back to Toril. They eventually disappeared.


    Tiriande, the Founder Queen

    Spouse (Vital)

    Towards Queen Adriella Lirayne


    Queen Adriella Lirayne

    Wife (Vital)

    Towards Tiriande, the Founder Queen


    Founded Settlements


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