Second Vosti Civil War Military Conflict in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil

Second Vosti Civil War

We expected something, some disagreement and bluster. There is no-one better placed than I to expect such things. But perhaps I've grown soft in my old age, and forgotten the fire and conviction I had when faced with the same situation decades ago. We should have expected this.
The Second Vosti Civil War is an ongoing conflict in the Vosti Empire, starting in 425 AC. Beginning as a dispute over who is the rightful heir to the throne of the empire, it has since spiralled into a web of various successors and alliances, as well as a breakaway state.


Once the dominant power of the continent of Abravost, the Vosti Empire has been in a state of decline for several decades, dating at least to the Separation in 326 AC. In response to it, and to a subsequent civil war, the Emperors of Vost became increasingly militaristic. One method of ensuring the military supremacy of the dwindling empire was to adopt prominent imperial generals into the line of succession, displacing already existing heirs.   This process has occurred three times following the Separation, each time creating an alternate branch of imperial succession. The first instance - the adoption of Brimeon by Treveon I - went smoothly owing to the exceptional circumstances at the time, as well as the displaced heir being barely three years old. The second - the adoption of Lord Treveon Skardel by Brimeon III - proved slightly more controversial, as Brimeon's eldest was 28 and an experienced soldier in his own right, though the prince accepted the displacement with grace.   The third - the adoption of Count Rumen of Powiton by Treveon II - proved the most contested, as Treveon's grandson Duke Hintero of Shonyul heavily disputed his displacement from the succession. For a brief time this seemed likely to spark civil war, though Treveon II managed to talk his grandson out of the conflict, possibly in exchange for various authorities and powers within the empire.   Rumen, ascending to the throne as Brimeon IV, believed there would be no contest to him following in his predecessor's footsteps by adopting Lord Grelan Tellis as his heir. His confidence likely stemmed from his son, Prince Zaloren, pledging to support his decision.   However the choice proved controversial, as Grelan's relative lack of military experience and lack of connections among the nobility led many prominent nobles to object. Among them was Duchess Larion of Ishir, eldest descendant of Brimeon III, who put herself forward as a far better candidate. When rejected, she and her allies seized control of western territory in protest, plunging the empire into war.  


Imperial Loyalists
Those loyal to current Emperor Brimeon IV and his nominated heir, Prince Grelan Tellis. Though Tellis is not related to Brimeon by blood, his adoption into the royal line follows a tradition established after the Separation.
Ishir-Kerinston Faction
Those loyal to Duchess Larion of Ishir and her cousin, Duke Rumen of Kerinston. As the senior most descendant by blood of a previous emperor, Larion asserts her claim to the throne.
The Medura
A breakaway state in the Empire's north, The Medura has sought to take advantage of chaos to seize its independence. Its list of grievances is long and date back centuries, ranging from systemic exploitation to a lack of aid during plague.
Shonyul Faction
Those loyal to Duke Hintero of Shonyul, or more likely to his daughter Muna Shonyul. Nominally loyal to the Emperor, but with a significant enough power base to change the tide of the war in any number of directions, including to their own ends.

War So Far

Despite the speed with which the war began, it has seen relatively little fighting. The Imperial Army, nominally headed by Prince Grelan Tellis, has only entered into battle with the various pockets of the Ishir-Kerinston faction twice. This is believed to be because of the amount of time spent preparing for this situation, making it likely most changes in territory will involve prolonged sieges.   The biggest development of the war so far happened two weeks after the army was mobilised, with a collection of towns in the empire's northeast declaring independence as the Federal Republic of The Medura. This is a significant issue for the empire, as the territory claimed is substantial and includes many of the food-producing areas along the Medura River.   Additionally, while such a declaration would ordinarily take months to be so much as acknowledged by the other countries of Abravost, the political apparatuses of countries like Waal Zaimyatl and Skarhu appear to be moving far quicker than usual, though Telziad has remained quiet on the matter.   As a result of these shifts, there have been debates within the Empire about whether to focus on the insurgents in the west or the north, as the time for harvest grows close and the loss of a bread-basket region threatens to hamper the war effort.
Start Date
27th of Yaros, 425 AC
Imperial Loyalists
Ishir-Kerinston Faction
The Medura
Shonyul Faction
Zaloren's Constitutionalists (Rumoured)

Absent Prince

Eldest child of Brimeon IV, Zaloren is considered to be quite popular, both among the common folk and among the soldiers who he has served with. However, while he has engaged in some politics during his life, he has made no public statements or appearances with regards to his displacement in succession, or to do with the ongoing conflict.   Theories about his lack of appearance have ranged from a sulking jealousy to a deliberate effort by his father to not have any future settlements swayed by a more charismatic and popular prince.   Notably, some speculate that Zaloren is spending his time gathering support for his own tilt at the throne, one not aimed at his own selfish gain, but on instituting a constitution similar to that found in neighbouring Telziad.
"I can't say I'm surprised, my friend. This is not the first time we have descended into such squabbles in our history, but through the acts of all post-Separation emperors, this was guaranteed. The Duchess is just the first to act."
"What will you do?"
"I'll change it. This will be the last."
— Alleged conversation between Prince Zaloren and his confidant, Lialyeng
Fireworks by davidgarry


As the war began in earnest, the other countries of Abravost have stayed quiet on the matter, offering simple statements about desires for peace.   The exception to this has been their response to the independence declaration of The Medura, with Waal Zaimyatl offering preliminary support to the new nation.   While some attribute the speed of recognition to a continent-wide distaste for the Vosti Empire, it's far more likely that various figures in The Medura have been laying the groundwork for this declaration months and years in advance. That the statement from Waal Zaimyatl addressed The Medura's foreign minister by name, despite how recently he had been appointed, supports this conclusion.
We expect and request the Vosti Empire to respect the desires of her northern territories and to handle this situation with grace and dignity. To ignore or quash their concerns, even at this early time, would be a poor choice.
— Excerpt of statement from Hómchiisen Zamiyoije, Foreign Minister of Waal Zaimyatl


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