Bloody Armor

Leo laid his head down and cursed himself for being so exhausted. It was only noon and he already wanted to sleep more. His entire body felt like lead; nothing like the lightweight and sure feeling he had usually. He usually knew where his body was, what it was capable of, how much he could take and how much he could dish out. Never had he felt so alien in his own body.

Not to mention his katana. Yokai weapons with a mind of their own at times. Splinter had said they weren’t returning to him because he wasn’t ready, but he wanted them. He wanted to be ready. He wanted to hold the hilts in his hands and feel the confidence and sureness he got from wielding them. They felt so different from his bokken, so right that he couldn’t imagine using any other weapon anymore. He didn’t want any other katanas; he wanted his katanas.

Did they not want him? Did they deem him unworthy after such a weak display? Had he failed so miserably that even his weapons were ashamed of him?

Leo gripped the blankets beneath him and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He would sleep more. That way the pain wouldn’t be so bad, and he wouldn’t have to remember how pathetic he felt.


Splinter tries to explain everything that has happened recently by telling the story of him, Oroku Saki, and the Yoroi Ketsueki.   Leonardo still feels like a failure for leading Shredder to the Yokai Realm and not being able to summon his katanas.
August 12th, 2022
Chapter Number
Wires and Screws
Read Here

Season 2


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