Wires and Screws

Mikey talked to Leo even more than before. He read whatever comics April brought him out loud, chatted away about random subjects, updated Leo on things that were happening, which wasn’t much. He managed to convince Raph to read out loud to Leo as well, and soon they all became used to sitting around listening to Raph read at night when Splinter left for his walks.

Raph was in the middle of a particularly exciting part of his book when a quiet moan interrupted him. They all got quiet and looked at Leo, waiting. He would make sounds occasionally, or shift a limb, but he would get still again so quickly.

This time, Leo cracked open an eye. He felt nauseous and hungry at the same time, his vision was blurred, he felt weak and his entire body ached. His back and leg stung when he moved slightly.

“Nh?” He grunted.

“Leo?” Raph asked, dropping his book and leaning forward. “Leo, bro, you awake?”

“Where are we?” Leo asked, his voice hoarse and throat dry. He coughed, grimacing in pain.

“You’re awake!” Raph nearly tackled him, stopping himself to wrap his arms around Leo’s, pressing his face into his shoulder. Leo felt him shaking.

“Leo!” Mikey cried, scrambling forward to touch his head. “Ohmigosh, you’re okay! You’re okay!”

Donnie was beaming, flapping his hands happily. Leo blinked, dazed, trying to focus his eyes.

“We’re safe,” Donnie reassured him. “Just take it easy, okay? You’ve been out for a while.”


After the events at the pond, the boys do their best to relax and recover from the ordeal, all while watching over Leonardo and waiting for him to wake up. Donatello and Michelangelo try to distract themselves, but Raphael keeps constant vigil over Leo.   Eventually he does wake up, much to everyone's relief, but it's short lived when gunshots ring out from the front of the barn. Turns out Uncle Augie had come back to the house for a vacation when he heard strange noises in the barn. April was quick to step in and explain the situation the best she could. While Augie was confused and a little disturbed, he opted to let the turtles stay there as long as they didn't cause any trouble.
August 6th, 2022
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
Read Here

Season 2


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