Fight at the Mueseum

“Guys! Guys, I got something!” Donnie yelled, scrambling into the main room.

“Got what? What are you talking about?” Leo asked, startled.

“Did those LED rave goggles you wanted finally come back in stock?” Mikey asked from the floor.

“No…” He said, disappointed. “I got a newsletter from the Museum of International History and Arts–”

“Should we be surprised you’re subscribed to a museum newsletter?” Raph snarked.

“... Anyway, it was listing some of the new exhibits coming this week. Check this out.” He turned his laptop to show a page showing an image of some Japanese samurai armor on display.

“Armor?” Raph raised a brow.

“You don’t really think that’s the bloody armor though, do you?” Leo questioned. “There’s lots of samurai armor in museums.”

“It’s not just any armor. Look at the dark color of that metal. And listen to this,” Donnie turned the laptop to himself to read the blurb. “This exclusive exhibit features an 800 year old Heian era armor and comes with a fantastic tale of a Japanese spirit that has possessed it. It was believed to be a Tsukumogami, an object that is possessed by a spirit after 100 years.”


The turtles are on the hunt to get the pieces of the Yoroi Ketsueki before The Shredder does, and their first lead is their local museum, which oddly enough is hosting an exhibit of something that resembles the armor. They don their human disguises and go there to check it out, but Leonardo spots Karai there as well. He is wary at first but when she starts casually talking to him, the realizes she doesn't know who he is in this disguise, and before he know, they're talking about swords and exchanging contact information.   The turtles stake out the place that night and sure enough The Foot come breaking into the building to take the armor, and a massive fight ensues. The turtles were doing well until Karai figures identifies Leo's weak leg and uses it to her advantage to knock him down, allowing her ninja to escape with the armor.
November 25th, 2022
Chapter Number
No Art
Read Here

Season 3


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