The Library

“Well, it’s true that the location of the armor is strictly hidden knowledge, but you may be able to find some more information at the mystic library here in Nanohana.”

Leo perked his head up. “The what?”

“Did someone say Library?!” Donnie said as he opened the door behind them, almost as if the mere mention of it summoned him.

“Yes, it’s the North Gekkou Mystic Library specifically,” Usagi explained. “It’s the largest library in the region. If anywhere has the information you’re looking for, it’d be there.”

Donnie gasped, peeking over Leo’s shoulder to face him. “Leoooooo…” He whispered. Leo leaned back.

“I can take you there if you want,” Usagi offered. “I’ve finished my duties for the day.”

“Please!” Donnie blurted out, grabbing Usagi’s shoulders and shaking him. “Please, please, please!”

Usagi grasped Donnie’s shoulders to steady the both of them, laughing. “Okay, okay! I wasn’t expecting such excitement.”

“Donnie’s just like this,” Leo admitted, blushing as he reached over to Donnie to pull him away. “Alright Don, let go of the poor guy.”

“Right–!” Donnie released Usagi, clearing his throat. “Sorry about that.” He could still barely contain his excitement, letting out a little giddy giggle and bouncing in place.


The turtles back to the Yokai Realm to inform Lord Daigo about the armor situation and with Leonardo in a slump, Usagi offers to take them to the The Mystic Library so they can research the armor and get a head start with the next piece.   Once at the library, everyone splits up and Michelangelo becomes enthralled with the magical flying books in the library, eventually asking one to guide him to information about the Yoroi Ketsueki. The book takes him to the Forbidden Archives, where he is caught by Chishiki Fukurō, the guardian of the library.   Fukurō interrogates the boy as to why he had entered a forbidden section of the library, and Mikey tried to explain why before his brothers swooped in to try to save him. Usagi was quick to stop them and explain Fukurō's role in the library, and the boys get an opportunity to explain the situation with The Shredder. Fukurō offers them a deal, a ledger containing details about the Bloody Armor was stolen from the archives, and if they could get it back, he would not eat them.
January 3rd, 2023
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
Read Here

Season 3


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