Legos and Painting

“Baa-chan and Aunt Fusae wanna head over to Aunt Ayumi’s with everyone,” Mikey explained. “Tou-chan said for us to go, too.”

“Seriously?” Leo frowned.

“Yeah,” Mikey looked at him nervously. “We need to put on our brooches again to go to the house…”

“I know,” Leo sighed, gathering his brooch and turning it on. Mikey turned his own on and they headed out to the main living space.

Donnie was already in his human form, but Raph hadn’t turned his brooch on yet. Donnie kept his face down, staring at his phone as an excuse to avoid the many extra eyes that he suddenly had to dodge. Mikey went and hopped onto Raph’s shell, grunting.

“Your shell is uncomfortable as a human,” Mikey complained.

“Yeah, well, your legs are skinnier,” Raph griped back, grasping under Mikey’s knees.


After the tense and awkward day before, the turtles have take a day to relax and shake off what happened. They are sent over to their Aunt Ayumi's's house to prepare for the upcoming Yokai festival their village hosts every year.   Once they are away from the bitter adults, the turtles have more time to settle down and get to know their cousins, who are young and don't mind that they are mutants at all. They find themselves quickly making friends with the cousins and finding a lot in common with them.
October 21st, 2022
Chapter Number
No Art
Family Tea
Read Here

Season 2


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