Kimura Ayumi

Ayumi Kimura- Hamato

Ayumi is the eldest daughter of Hisashi and Yoko Hamato.  


Ayumi is a middle-aged Japanese woman with long black hair, often tied up into a loose bun. She simply, with with muted colors on soft sweaters and long skirts. She occasionally wears a pair of reading glasses when she is working.  


Ayumi is a strong headed, intelligent woman. She's skilled in martial arts and ninjitsu, but she does not use these skills much. She spends more time with her career and hobby about architectural history. She is a writer an writes books about her knowledge of historical architecture of Japan, a topic she is quite knowledgeable and interested in.   She is less intense about the whole Guardian Clan tradition like her parents and older siblings are, and she doesn't feel the need to pass that burden onto her kids either.  


Ayumi was the third child born in of the siblings, yet her whole life she had three brothers before her, Isao, Yoshi, and Oroku Saki. She loved the company of her brothers but was always super close to Isao, who would play with her whenever Yoshi and Saki were too busy to play.   She would start training in ninjutsu shortly after Isao did and the two would help each other. Ayumi had a natural talent for martial arts but as she got older she became less interested in it and preferred pursuing more intellectual goals. She developed a fascination for history and architecture and would study everything she could find on the subject. When she got older she wrote and published her first book on the subject.   Her father never really approved of a lot of the decisions she made with her life, whether it was her choice to stop training, or marrying Hayato, the two would but heads about what was the 'right' thing to do, constantly. Eventually, the constant criticism and arguments forced her to move out of the estate and live elsewhere in the village with her husband and kids.


Kimura Ayumi


Towards Kimura Hayato


Kimura Hayato


Towards Kimura Ayumi



Ayumi met Hayato when they were in highschool and they immediately fell in love with each other. Hisashi, however, never really liked him and didn't approve of their relationship. Hisashi thought Hayato to be weak of mind and body and not suited to be a true Hamato.   When they were young adults, Aymui ended up getting pregnant out of wedlock with Hayato's baby, which force Hishashi to change his mind about their marriage. They would name the child Emiko and proceed to have 3 more children, including twins.

Relationship Reasoning

Ayumi and Hayato at hearts are both nerdy people, and immediately hit it off when they would infodump to each other about their favorite topics. They still love and support each other dearly. Ayumi finds Hayato to be a lovable goof ball and is happy to have someone support her interests and how she wants to raise her family.

Kimura Ayumi

Younger Sister

Towards Splinter



Older Brother

Towards Kimura Ayumi



Yoshi was Ayumi's older brother. She grew up with a lot of respect for him, but since he was always so busy with training, she didn't spend as much time with him as she did her other siblings. Yoshi still did care for his younger sisters though and would often go out of his way to scare off bullies for them and give them brotherly advice.

Relationship Reasoning

Ayumi still loves Yoshi, and understood why he left when he did, but his absence left an empty spot in the family for a long time. She was disappointed in Yoshi's lack of communication with the family after a while and, like the rest of the siblings, began to wonder if he was dead.   Of course she was relived to see him again, and was happy to be able to talk to him, but the fact he didn't tell any of them what had happened with his mutation made her feel a little bruised, like he didn't trust them to understand.

Kimura Ayumi

Younger Sister

Towards Hamato Isao


Hamato Isao

Older Brother

Towards Kimura Ayumi



Isao is one of Ayumi's older brothers. They were both the middle children growing up and so were pretty close. When Isao felt left out from Yoshi and Saki's activities, he would often go to play with his littler sisters instead. Isao was the one to help Ayumi whenever she struggled with training and was always around to talk to.   Ayumi was the one to initially convince Isao to go to medical school when it seemed like the ninja-life style was wearing him out, and she also fully supported him when he eventually had to quit to take on the role of Chunin.

Relationship Reasoning

As adults, Ayumi and Isao are pretty close, but don't talk as often as they could, do to Ayumi no longer living in the house. She can see that the role of chunin has it's toll on Isao and can't help but feel pity for him. Isao takes on that role so that she or Fusae don't have to, and she can appreciate that.   She will come and check on the estate whenever she can, maybe not so much for her father, but to check on her mother and siblings.

Kimura Ayumi


Towards Hamato Hisashi


Hamato Hisashi


Towards Kimura Ayumi



Hisashi is the father of Ayumi. Growing up the two never had the best relationship. Hisashi was always very strict about tradition and in contrast, Ayumi was quite the free thinker. She wasn't as much interested in ninjutsu as her father would have liked, and he didn't want her pursuing a career as an author, believing it to be a distraction.   He also heavily disagreed on her relationship with Hayato, and wouldn't approve a marriage between them until Ayumi got pregnant with his child. Eventually, their fighting got so toxic that Ayumi made the decision to move out of the estate entirely with her family, a decision Hisashi resents to this day.

Relationship Reasoning

Hisashi and Ayumi do not see eye to eye on many issues. Things are cordial between them, if only because they no longer live in the same space together, and Ayumi is free to not talk to him if she doesn't feel like. The two tolerate each other whenever she visits to check on the rest of the family, but they rarely talk beyond small talk anymore.   Deep down, Ayumi wants to have a better relationship with her dad, but can't with how stubborn he tends to be.

Hamato Fusae

Younger Sister

Towards Kimura Ayumi


Kimura Ayumi

Older Sister

Towards Hamato Fusae



The girls are the closest of the siblings. They've always had this bond they formed between each other by being the youngests and being the only girls. They would often hang out with each other to escape from the boys and play with each other. Ayumi helped Fusae with her training when everyone else was too busy to do it.

Relationship Reasoning

Ayumi and Fusae are still close. Ayumi full supports her decision to quit ninjutsu and also to not get married, as they are both pretty non-traditional people. Fusae understands why Ayumi had to move out, and often feels like following in her footsteps.

Year of Birth
1981 41 Years old
Otama VIllage
Kimura Hayato (Husband)
Splinter (Older Brother)
Hamato Isao (Older Brother)
Hamato Fusae (Younger Sister)
Current Residence
Kimura Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White


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