Rockefeller Contamination Zone

The Rockefeller Contamination Zone is the name for the area that was once known as the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, before it had to be quarantined due to a massive Mutagen contamination. The area was once a national park near Mount Pleasant, NY, consisting of miles of forested area, rivers, lakes, and streams. The quarantine zone also includes several hundred acres of privately owned land, whose owners were evacuated for safety reasons.  


The area was once a popular hiking and camping spot ever since the land was donated in the 1980's. In 2009, this would change when an unknown craft would crash into the the region, carrying with it thousands of canisters of strange green ooze, later dubbed Mutagen, all over the area. This mutagen had catastrophic effects on the local wildlife, many grew sick and died from the contamination, but many more were mutated into monsters,   The mutagen got into the water supply, and many broken canisters strewn across the landscape proved too hazardous for human life, so the area was locked down by the EPF, who built an 8 foot electrified fence around the entire area. After 13 years of failed clean up attempts and dealing with the more dangerous mutants, the EPF eventually abandoned the region, only hiring a few guards to come and check on the fence.   After all these years the real truth about what happened to the contamination zone has been hidden from the public, with theories going around that it was being used as an illegal waste dumping site by the government.

Fauna & Flora

The contamination zone is unique in it's abundance of mutated creatures. The fauna can range from normal creatures with mild mutations such as multiple eyes or heads or odd colors, to more significant changes such as the complete hybrid mutants that appear in the region. Mutants are completely unique creatures that have been effected by the mutagen, and are often large, violent beasts. They make roaming the contamination zone unprepared extremely dangerous.   The mutagen also has a tendancy to effect the flora in the area as well, often in the form of creating impossible plant hybrids or causing them to grow to a massive size. However it is risky to eat any fruit these plants bear, as they will contain microdoses of mutagen that can make humans sick.


Though the park used to welcome all kinds of tourists, after the 2009 incident, the area is completely off limits for civilians, and trespassing on the property can not only get you arrested but a serious investigation by the EPF. Still, ever since it's abandonment, people still risk venturing onto the area for the thrill of it. It's abandoned structures are often a party venue for the Purple Dragons.
Parent Location
New York
2 sq mi
Alternative Name(s)
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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