Truths and Lies

“Who’s the human lady you have a picture of in your cabinet?” Leo whispered abruptly.

The silence broken, Splinter turned to look at him, fur standing on end. “What?” He asked, voice devoid of emotion.

“The human lady in the cabinet altar,” Leo repeated, lifting his head and standing straight once more. “The human lady. Who is she? Who are you?”

Splinter blinked at him, mouth opening slightly and then closing.

“You’ve been lying to us,” Leo’s voice cracked, tears in his eyes. “We’ve trusted you our whole lives, everything you said, we took it as truth, and you’ve just been lying to us. I told you why we lied to you, now tell me why!”

He let out a sob and Raph backed up to him, putting an arm around Leo’s shell. He looked at Splinter with a furious glare.

Splinter turned slightly, looking at Mikey and Donnie. Donnie let out a pleading whimper while Mikey nestled closer to Donnie and stared up at Splinter with scared eyes.

“We wanna know too,” Mikey said quietly, looping an arm through Donnie’s. Despite disliking the touch, the thought of Mikey separating from him at that instant was much more terrifying, so Donnie only leaned closer to him.

Splinter slowly stood straight, all conflict leaving his body as he let out an exhausted breath.

“Sit,” He murmured to his sons. “I’ll tell you the truth. I will tell you who I am.”


Splinter scolds the turtles for sneaking out and putting themselves in danger, when Leonardo argues with him, exclaiming its not fair that he could keep secrets from them. Splinter realizes his error and opts to explain the real story of their origin.   He explains that was was a human named Hamato Yoshi, and that the woman in the photo was his late wife, Tang Shen. He explained she had passed away shortly before he moved to New York, and he was living in woods when he found the boys as baby turtles, drowning in a mutagen soaked stream. His exposure to the mutagen, mixed with his frequent contact with his pet rex rat, also named Splinter, caused him to mutate into what he was now.   With the truth told, Splinter proceeds to ground the boys for two weeks for sneaking out.
July 25th, 2022
Chapter Number
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Season 1


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