
The thunderous noise of the door to the loading bay at the back of the warehouse opening drew everyone’s attention to it. Silhouetted in the red of the truck’s taillights stood a tall, muscular man. He was white and had dark hair, tied back into a tight, low, short ponytail. He wore a leather jacket with the familiar purple dragon embroidered on the back.

He smiled as he entered, a smile that made the turtles’ flesh crawl. It was more like the snarl they saw on mutants that were sure they’d caught a meal for the night.

“Casey Jones,” The man chuckled. “Hanging out with freaks now, are we?”

“Better than the Purple Dragons,” Casey shot back. “I’d be in better company with a pet rock.”

“Aw, something just as smart as you are,” The man clicked his tongue.

“You know this guy, Casey?” Raph asked, gripping his sais tighter.

“Go on, Jones, tell them how you know me,” The man started to circle them, the other Purple Dragons getting enough confidence back to stand and jeer.

“Hunter. He’s one of the top guys in the Purple Dragons,” Casey spun his hockey stick and smacked it against the ground. “And the biggest fuckboy in the city.”

“Aw, do you not want your little friends to know the truth, Jones? And it’s Hun now. I got promoted.”

“Wow, I’ll feel even better when I beat the shit out of you.”


High off the thrill of winning a fight against the Purple Dragons, the boys are longing to fight more crime and be heroes. Casey eventually shows up telling them about another place the dragons are trying to hit up, and asks for their help to stop them.   Almost everyone, except for Leo agrees and they head out, finding that the Purple Dragons are indeed stealing from a storage facility. Casey dives in first and the gang find it surprisingly easy and even fun kicking butt, now that they've had a little experience. However things change when the Dragon's leader Hun shows up.   It turned out the whole situation was a set up to draw the turtles out, as a bounty for their heads was put out by a mysterious figure known only as The Shredder. He also reveals Casey's secret, that she used to be a purple dragon (and is a girl I guess.)   The five of them fight Hun but he brings a whole knew challenge they are unprepared for an only barely win when Casey breaks his nose with her hockey stick. The turtles escape with their lives, only to get home and have to face Splinter who has finally discovered they'd been sneaking out.


  • Casey starts using she/her pronouns from this point on.
July 24th, 2022
Chapter Number
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Season 1


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