Good Things

Leo stopped outside, looking either way, eyes searching for those familiar movements in the shadows. There. Two people, dressed in all black, moving with careful and silent steps along the edges of the sidewalk. They were clearly following someone; an elderly man with a shop bag on his arm, walking along completely unaware of his stalkers.

“Ninjas?” He asked himself quietly. “In New York City?”

A hand grabbed his shoulder and he jumped, whipping around to grab it only to find Raph frowning at him.

“Look, there,” Leo nodded towards the figures, who had stopped to watch the man open up the door to a shop. “Those are ninjas.”

“We said no fighting,” April reminded him.

“They’re trained ninjas ,” Leo insisted. “The way they’re dressed, the way they’re moving— they’re gonna hurt that guy.”

“Let the cops handle it,” Raph dismissed.

“Does the NYPD usually deal with ninjas?”

“No, it’ll take ‘em ten minutes to get here,” Casey frowned.

“They’ll be gone by then,” Donnie pointed out.

“Guys, we’re ninjas!” Mikey gasped.

“Astute observational skills, Michael,” Donnie rolled his eyes.

“No, Donnie, he’s right,” Leo said. “We are ninjas.” He started jogging towards the shop the two ninjas were now opening the upper floor window to. The others followed close behind.


After two weeks of intense training as part of their punishment, the turtles are exhausted and feeling down. April visits in attempt to cheer them up and opts to bring them back to the city to just chill and have some boba with her and Casey. They go on a subway for the first time and tell April and Casey about everything they found out from Splinter.   Eventually during their boba, Leo spots a group of people dressed as ninjas stalking a shop owner. He springs into action and his brothers follow. They fend off the intruders and save the owner, in the process discovering they work for an organization known as The Foot, ran by The Shredder.
July 26th, 2022
Chapter Number
Truths and Lies
Read Here

Season 1


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