
Yojimbo Usagi Miyamoto (a.k.a. Usa, Ronin)

    Usagi is rabbit yokai training as a samurai yojimbo; a bodyguard for the Guardian Clans.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Usagi is a Yokai that appears as an anthropomorphic white rabbit with grey around his muzzle and tips of his ears. He has a longer toft of fur resembling bangs on his forehead. which often hides a large curved scar above his right eye. He often keeps his ears tied together at the top of his head like a top-knot.

Apparel & Accessories

Usagi usually wears a hakama with a blue top and black trousers. However when he fights in the Battle Nexus he goes for an all black hakama with dark blue wrappings and a scarf, He also wears a painted mask to hide his identity.

Specialized Equipment

Usagi often fights with two swords, a katana named Willow Branch, and a wakizashi that he keeps sheathed on the side of his belt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Usagi was born in a small village on the edge of the Nanohana District with 2 older siblings. His father was the magistrate in charge of the village and was well-known as a great warrior and an honorable man. Being at the edge of the district meant that they were far from Komai City, where the District Army is dispatched from, and therefore far from any assistance against bandits when they raided. When Usagi was 7, a massive raid occurred on the village. He was cut on the forehead as he ran to alert the village, and Usagi's mother hid him away in a hiding place under the floorboards with a trapdoor. He witnessed her death above him while his father and older siblings died outside, fighting.   Usagi was found three days later by Katsuichi, who was travelling through back towards Komai City and stopped to rest. Katsuichi discovered the raided village, many dead with others having abandoned it during and after the attack. Usagi, despite being injured, thirsty, and hungry, tried to defend what little was left of his destroyed home with his bokken, and Katsuichi was impressed enough with his bravery and determination to take him under his wing. Katsuichi raised Usagi in Komai City, teaching him to fight and be a proper samurai.


When he began living with Katsuichi, he was sent to learn at a school in the city until he graduated at the age of 15. All the while he spent time regularly training as a samurai with Katsuichi.


Since Katsuichi acts as a bodyguard to Lord Daigo, Usagi being his ward and pupil also does by extension. However Usagi is often tasked with small jobs while the more important issues are dealt with by his sensei.   In his free time, Usagi participates in the Battle Nexus, under the guise of a mysterious fighter named "Ronin", as he's had dreams of seeing the Battle Nexus restored to it's more honorable reputation, and wants to prove he can become champion without killing or cheating. He has faced the active Battle Nexus champion, Venus, a few times now, but has yet to beat her.

Mental Trauma

His history witnessing mass death and violence has made him quite apathetic about it. He will show the fallen respect, and empathy towards those who are grieving, but otherwise seems unphased by it and tends to move on quickly.

Morality & Philosophy

Usagi's morality is based on the code of Bushidō. He values honor and duty. He will not harm someone unless it is out of self defense or he is challenged. He is respectful and kind to all people, but has a distaste for lowlifes who prey on others for personal gain.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

________ Likes Dislikes
Color Dark Blue
Food Mochi, Mooncakes, Sea food Tuna
Music Shamisen, Flute, Lofi EDM
Activities Sword Practice, Calligraphy, Flute, kite making Swimming
Book Miyamoto Musashi


Usagi is generally a polite and respectful to person, a bit on the quiet side. He is kind and respects people of all backgrounds, and always willing to help out someone in need. However, he can also be quite nosy and will often get himself into unnecessary trouble. He occasionally teases his friends and acquaintances and can act a little goofy, which is a stark contrast to the serious tone he takes in a fight. While he is sociable when he needs to be, he has no qualms being alone and often prefers it.

Personality Quirks

Usagi has a lot of rabbit mannerisms, for example; wiggling his nose when he's thinking, doing binkies when he's excited, and stomping when he's angry.



Usagi tends to be proper and keep to himself. He speaks calmly and quietly and tends to be more formal with his speech.

Hobbies & Pets

While he doesn't have any pets of his own, he does have a habit of feeding the animals outside of his home. He has names for all of them.




Towards Leonardo




Towards Usagi



Usagi met Leo along with his brothers when they were being harrassed by Oni who had broken their weapons. Realizing they were Hamatos, he offered to help them by getting them new Yokai Weapons, sparking their friendship.   Usagi would see Leo again when he was being attacked by The Shredder and he stepped in to save him. Since then, Leo and Usagi have had a special bond with each other, and the two would hang out from there.

Relationship Reasoning

Usagi is one of the first non-human friends Leo makes, and both being swordsmen mean they have a lot in common. Leo is regularly impressed by Usagi's skill and dedication to his craft and admires him for it.  

Show spoiler
Leo has started to develop a crush on Usagi, however he refuses to admit it.

Yokai Type
Gyokuto (Moon Rabbit)
Date of Birth
19th of February
Year of Birth
2006 16 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with gray points
Known Languages
Japanese (Native)



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