Rhubarb Hubsher Character in Tohiri | World Anvil

Rhubarb Hubsher

Rhubarb Hubsher (a.k.a. Rhuby)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rhubarb is a young girl, she grew up on a farm with a big family with many members being specialized in Primal magic (many are druids or some other nature related class if they’re sp. Everyone in the family helped out on the farm. Her aunt Constance (referred to as Auntie Cocoa) inspired and helped train Rhubarb to protect the farm. Rhubarb grew up with Corn for a majority of her life and looked up to him as her smart big brother. She understood his want to leave the farm and explore but did not have that desire herself. She felt more comfortable staying on the farm helping out the family.

Rhubarb did encourage Corn to go and learn arcane magic as he had more of an aptitude for that compared to the primal magic their family typically used. Corn left to pursue his dream, despite protests from his parents that he could learn magic at the farm. Corn goes through school and eventually graduates. He and Rhubarb exchanged letters frequently throughout his schooling and after he graduated. He did write to her about the exam saying that the headmistress was a bit of a troll (she is paraphrasing his words) and that he was very excited to jump into his research. The letters slowed down after that until about 2 years ago they stopped completely. Corn said he felt he was very close to a breakthrough but had hit a wall that was stopping him. Then 1 & 1/2 years after that his familiar Orange the crow found its way to the farm. The family’s primal magic was unable to divine his location so Rhubarb volunteered to go find him. She aims to follow his research to find him and wants to start with the school he graduated from to see where he went from there.


Rhubarb Hubsher


Towards Corn "Cornelius" Hubsher


Corn "Cornelius" Hubsher


Towards Rhubarb Hubsher


Kindred Hubsher

sister (Vital)

Towards Rhubarb Hubsher



Rhubarb Hubsher

sister (Vital)

Towards Kindred Hubsher



Year of Birth
1338 21 Years old
Kindred Hubsher (sister)
Strawberry red, long hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
7'2" or 218cm

Contacting Corn

I'm so nervous and so excited to speak to corn after so long. I'm not even sure what I'm going to say after looking for him and missing him. I can't wait to speak to him, I need to know if I can tell him everything that is going on or if I'm gonna be limited in what I can say. I can't believe we're finally talking after so long.  

Rhuby's First Hunt

Rhubarb had recently turned 13 years old, her aunt Bell Pepper had just started a relationship with Constance Quicktoes as well. She had been dubbed as Auntie Cocoa by Rhuby and was fitting in nicely in a family of farmers. Cocoa had been trained as a hunter and was putting her skills to use by helping protect the farm from predators. Rhuby was checking up on some of the livestock and had found the corpse of her favorite pet pig she had been caring for. She just stared at her pig for a few minutes, thinking and processing her favorite pig dying. This wasn't the first time she had encountered death, but it was the first time it was such a personal a loss for her.   She felt a rage building in her because this pig was her best friend ever since Corn had left to start his arcane studies. And now her best friend is gone. Rhuby had been connecting and bonding with Aunt Cocoa via hunting or being trained to track by Cocoa. Rhuby eventually felt something snap within her and she ran to get a wood chopping axe and her slingshot. She was able to find the trail of the predator that killed her pig and she was off, following the trail deep into the nearby woods.   She followed the trail, losing track of it a few times but eventually finding it again. She tracked it into the late evening, the forest was dark but lit by a full moon. Rhuby was tired and hungry but she was focused on Hunting the creature that took her friend from her. She finally happened upon the predator sleeping in the woods. Rhuby crept up as slow as she could on the sleeping predator, she was able to see that it was an old wolf, nearing the end of it's days. Rhuby was able to get

After the Battle a Gathering of Blades

INOUYE led the enemy that led the army that took Hepios and my family from me. Kindred is stuck in a dream realm and I was able to send a message that I love her. I don't want to lose my only sister after I've lost my brother and my grandpa and my home. Rhitria is where Lilith wants to go for some reason, she met someone who claimed to be the Knowing the Moon, Luna. Kindred got her God Weapon the Stellar Sword in her dream realm, I was able to travel there and help her beat 290. We've found a lead on Cornelius after years, apparently all this time he's been writing in journal back home. He's been able to write in it remotely with a copy he has being able to write in his original copy at home. He was able to tear a rip in reality to a destination on purpose and may have accidentally sent Lilith to the Material plane. We've gone to Rhitria to see about visiting Luna's Temple.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Loss of Onion
1359, 10 Sirial

The war came to my home and ripped it away from Kindred and I. Akros was able to get us there and we were able to save a majority of the town. Unfortunately we weren't able to save everyone since the attack had already begun by the time we got there. We got a plan started to save as many people as we could Kindred and I ran straight to home and met Grampy Onion and Mama Bean trying to stave off a fire. The farm was basically lost and Mama told us to save as many books and keepsakes as we could. I grabbed as much as I could almost mindlessly, I felt a pull towards Grampy's old axe so I grabbed that too. The moment I grabbed it I felt it was special and meant for me. The moment we all met back up Grampy noticed that his axe was meant for me. He told me it chose me and to protect it and it would protect me. He told us all to go and he would hold off the fire and war as best he could. I begged him to try and escape if he could, I knew he wouldn't leave before trying even if I begged him. I ran with everyone back to town to evacuate everyone we could. We were able to save about 300 people of the 500 or so. Kindred and I had screamed and cried afterwards feeling so much pain from losing our home and family. I don't even know how much of my family is still here, and that lack of knowledge scares me so much. The axe seemed to do well against the invaders but I couldn't save our home even with it's power, Yet. While I was saving Kindred from her own fire breath, I felt a hand on my shoulder. An old wizened hand, for a moment I thought it was Grampy but it wasn't. I didn't recognize him but I think it was Solaias. I felt the weight of responsibility fall on my shoulders in that moment.  

Weapons from War of Gods

Argas was chosen to be a wielder of a weapon cane that was involved in a war of gods that happened centuries ago.

Kindred's Hunters

Her hunters are from the neighboring country of catfolk and kept referring to her as an experiment. Encountered 290 (male younger than kindred) whom was invisible but after Kindred. Implied that 289 the one after Kindred had died. Used undead to fight and try to capture Kindred. Gem interferes with divination magic. Gem is overloaded.

Corn(ilius) Hubsher

Last quest was a [REDACTED] by guild by king. Not seen for a year since quest was completed. According to Akros he was able to artificially create a rift and was a apprentice to Akros.