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When the Primordials went to war with the Gods over the fate of Tol, one Primordial removed himself from their numbers. This Primordial, known as Amondarios the Kindly One, also fell in love with Tol and its people. During the Dawn War, Amondarios traveled the lands, offering support, comfort, protection, and succor to all that he could. He appeared to various peoples as one of their own, bringing hope for a better future wherever he went.
  When the Primordials fell, the Gods sought out Amondarios. They offered him a chance to join them as one of their own. Kindly Amondarios gently declined, explaining that, although he had felt fighting alongside of his fellow Primordials would be wrong, he didn’t feel right about now siding with their enemies. Some of the Gods were angry, especially those who had lost friends or loved ones to the Primordials, but cooler, gentler heads prevailed. In exchange for a promise never to assist the other Primordials in escape or take up arms against the Gods, Amondarios was allowed to live freely and travel as he would.
  Stories vary as to what Amondarios has done since the Dawn War. Some say that Amondarios returned to the Elemental Chaos and dabbles there still in creation, working on shaping his own Tol and his own mortals. Others say that he eventually became close friends with some of the Gods and dwells in one of their domains in the Astral Sea. Most, however, agree that Amondarios wanders Tol still, aiding mortals wherever he can and blessing those who seek to bring hope or help to their fellows. His tendency to wander in disguise as a mortal has caused many mortals of Tol to treat guests or those in need a little more kindly than they might have otherwise. You never know when you might be meeting Amondarios in disguise.


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