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Gods Overview

The Gods are beings of immense power who inhabit the Astral Sea. It is not known if they are eternal, but they are commonly held to be immortal, barring a war among gods or attack by a creature of godlike power. Although they have great power, they are not omnipotent; the Exarch Asmodeus was able to slay the God he served and subsume the divine spark, becoming almost a God himself.   Most of the peoples of Tol worship the gods, although some do not. Some species who do not follow the gods, such as the gGiants, worship the Primordials. Others, such as the Gnolls, venerate a powerful Demon or Devil. Still others, likethe Elves of Faerinwold follow the powers of the Primal Spirits, particularly The Totems.   Most of the Gods worshiped in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond generally belong to one of several pantheons, such as:   The Twelve – venerated by the Summerlings   The Sisters – venerated by the Eladrin-in-Exile   The Thanes of the Five Halls – venerated by the Dwarves of Kurdenheim   The Laughing Six – venerated by the Halflings of Dalenshire   The Four Winds – venerated by the Hastane   The Dark Lady and the Bright Lord – venerated by the Dragonborn   Other gods who aren’t part of a particular pantheon include:   Kavesh, the patron god of Gristamere   Laminok Bloodfist, the God-King of the Orcish Hordes   Lolth, the Demon-Goddess worshiped by the Drow   Szathusa, the destructive and decadent god of the Yuan-Ti   Uluthog, the Worm that Gnaws the World   There is also a forbidden pantheon of three deities who are considered quite evil. Worship of them is forbidden in all of the Seven Kingdoms, even Gristamere.


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