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Anathar Havengard

Sir Anathar Havengard is the leader of the Haven's Guard, a small mercenary company. He was an Adventurer himself in his younger days, and his selfless and heroic deeds led to his being knighted. Although he is a Knight Banneret (i.e. landless), he has a modest fortune through his adventuring work, his mercenaries, and his marriage to Ivala Havengard née Gildenlink, the daughter of a prosperous mercantile family. With her, he’s sired three children, Daria, Ezelan, and Kidalis.   Sir Anathar is a good man, and he doesn’t let his noble title go to his head. He hopes that he will eventually be granted or able to purchase a small holding that his children will be able to inherit, along with his title. He uses Haven’s Guard to train adventurers and warriors in those values he considers most important.


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