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Kabarika Clikirik

Kabarika Clikirik is a Goblin Cleric of Kavesh, national deity of Gristamere. She was not particularly powerful or devout prior to the death of Zhakastir Thrukesh Gerstenmager. Then, Kavesh came to her in a vision and revealed that something about the Zhakastir’s death was unacceptable to him. The challenger who slew him and took the crown, Kershak Nakrul, used some means of foul play to win the fight.
  She has joined with the late Zhakastir’s brother, Valkur Narthask, to become the beginnings of a resistance against Nakrul’s regime. This brought her to The Fourth Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms, a place where she felt utterly out of her element. Nevertheless, she has seen the wisdom in cooperation between nations, and she is looking forward to the future of her people.


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