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Thrukesh Gerstenmager

Thrukesh Gerstenmager was the Zhakastir of Gristamere, a Hobgoblin Warlord of cunning, ruthlessness, and great ambition. He took the crown in 1063 SKR when he manipulated his own father, Hrubek Gerstenmager, into a duel to the death. With Hrubek slain, Thrukesh was easily able to consolidate his power base. Although he did not often speak of it, his brother was Valkur Narthask, who he put in control of the Gristamere and Summerlund border as its Borderman.
  Thrukesh was publically a devoted follower of Kavesh, but rumors circulate that he may actually be a devotee of The Three Who Are Hidden, especially Lylaria the Wordbender. He often made speeches about how goblinkind once ruled all of Aldorath. Although he never made any formal declarations of war, he was certainly testing the borders of Summerlund and Norhast with raiding parties. Most considered it only a matter of time until he made a move to grab more land and power.
  Despite this, he could be engaging with non-goblins. When the Fire Wasps came to see him after being censured for slaying Brekhu, he treated fairly with them, allowing them to earn amnesty. They went so far above and beyond his expectations that he ultimately named them to the Redwing Regiment, a rare honor for outsiders.
  His reign ended in 1081 SKR when he was slain in a challenge duel by Kershak Nakrul, who quickly took the title of Zhakastir. Both Valkur and a goblin Cleric of Kavesh named Kabarika Clikirik have expressed concern over the victory, believing some foul play was involved. Only time will tell what kind of ruler his replacement is.


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