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Unlike most of the peoples of Tol, the minotaurs of Minostal were not created by the Gods but by a powerful Demon. Specifically, the Horned King, Baphomet, created minotaurs and filled them with his own terrible rage. When the Demons were defeated alongside the other Primordials, however, the minotaurs were left alone on the coasts of Keshwan. They began to rampage across the land, hoping to carve themselves a rich and prosperous kingdom.   In the Empire of Azmartheon, however, they met their match. Their war against the Dragonborn was a brief one, known as the War of Horns. When it was over, however, the dragonborn had defeated them. Minostal became a vassal state under the Dragon Emperor.   The dragonborn taught the minotaurs many secrets of culture, trying to enlighten and elevate them. Eventually, however, cultists of Baphomet overthrew this attempt, and the minotaurs returned to savagery as the Empire fell.   Between their 13th and 20th years of age, young minotaurs engage in the Hek’t ta Koshak – the Trials of Merit. The results of these trials determine a minotaur’s place in the caste system of Minostal. Those who succeed become citizens, able to own land and help govern their cities. Those who fail become thralls and are “blessed” by Baphomet with a much larger size and increased musculature, but their minds are somewhat reduced to a more bestial cunning. Thralls are little more than chattel to the citizens, used as living weapons, laborers, and pit fighters.   Minotaurs are large, savage warriors. In them burns both the spark of civilization and the terrible fire of Baphomet’s fury. Only time will tell which way this race will go.


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