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Ruvalos Vitolo

Ruvalos Vitolo is the tavernkeep of the Terrible Lobster tavern in Fentrade. He is the owner, but not the original. When he inherited the tavern, along with its curious nickname, he simply let it slide. As he put it, "You could call it my grandmother's hairy breasts. As long as your silver is good, I don't care." He has a few rooms to let, but he doesn't advertise himself as an Inn. People who know, know.   Ruvalos is of mixed-@Human heritage. Although his name has a Vistani sound to it to many folk, he says he is not a member, and Vistani never stop at his establishment. Some believe that he was once Vistani but has been exiled from them for some crime. Ruvalos himself has better things to do than answer foolish questions.


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