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Humans did not originate on the continent of Aldorath, but they have become widespread and numerous there. They are a tall people, and varied in coloration and manner. On Aldorath, they tend to fall into the lighter colored Hastane, the Kalrentai, and the shorter, broader, and darker Summerlings. Some Summerlings have lighter coloration, due to the intermixing of their blood with that of the original humans they found living on Aldorath called the Kalrentai. There are humans living in other parts of the world, such as the Aeotaens of Kaoru, the Dojhani of Dojhan and the Tishad of Velnar.   Due, perhaps, to the common origin of humans on Velnar, most human races speak a dialect of what has become known as the Common Tongue. This mish-mash language is easy enough for most humans to make themselves understood in.   The three greatest defining characteristics of humans are their sense of drive (caused, perhaps, by their relatively short lifespans), their adaptability, and their susceptibility to corruption. These qualities make them some of the greatest heroes, and villains, that Tol has ever known.


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