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The wanderers known as the Vistani are a mysterious clan of people. They come from many peoples, as opposed to being one particular race, but Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, and Tiefling Vistani form the majority of their numbers. They believe themselves to be chosen by some kind of spiritual destiny to wander together, and they never stay in one place for long.   The Vistani have a reputation as thieves, vagabonds, and ne’er-do-wells. While they may steal to live at times, the truth is probably that the more rooted peoples of the Seven Kingdoms find their ways disturbing and seek excuses not to allow them to stay for long. Certainly their reputation is largely undeserved, and many are beginning to realize this and welcome them more fully, understanding their nomadic culture is part of who they are.   Some Vistani claim uncanny powers of future-sight, looking ahead to divine what may yet be. Vistani crones gaze into crystal balls, read the cards, or simply divine from a person’s palm where their destiny may take them. It’s doubtful that every Vistani who claims the Sight truly has it, but not every Vistani is lying about their ability to touch the future.


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