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Stamatis Zotikos

Stamatis Zotikos was a Minotaur who lived in the lands of Minostal during the time that it was a vassal state to Azmartheon. He was a born warrior who despised what he felt was Dragonborn oppression. His growing resentment and anger simmered, until he was contacted by an underground group of Baphomet worshipers.
  Becoming a strong devotee of the Horned King, Zotikos quickly rose to the top of their ranks. Under tutelage of the priests of Baphomet, he resisted his urges and suppressed his inner rage. He slowly maneuvered until he became part of the honor guard of Eukleides Niklaos, the philosopher-king who ruled Minostal. In 233 PK, Zotikos and his followers went into action. When he met Eukleides, he drew his sword and stabbed the older minotaur over and over. This shocking act, dedicated to Baphomet, caused his almost immediate death at the hands of the rest of the honor guard, but the blow had been struck. Chaos spread quickly throughout Minostal, and cells of Baphomet worshipers cast out or slew the gentler members of their race. Minostal returned to its barbarous origins. Although Zotikos didn’t live to see this, this act of betrayal is his legacy.


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