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T’k’chek, also known as ratfolk, are a diminutive race of humanoid rodents. They are believed to have originated in Dojhan, and they are extremely rare outside of those lands. Standing about the same height as Gnomes, they often seem even shorter, as many have a hunched posture. They have very rat-like snouts, teeth, and ears, bony hands and feet, a covering of fur over most of their body, and long, naked, semi-prehensile tails.   Because of their rarity, many t’k’chek outside of Dojhan wear baggy clothing, cloaks, and masks to conceal what they are. This is partly because of the ill reputation that were-rats have in the other lands of Tol.   T’k’chek don’t seem to serve any God, but they often make little shrines to the Primal Spirits, who they believe did not so much create them as raise them from simple animals. They are, by nature, secretive, and they love ferreting out secrets from others. As a result, t’k’chek are excellent information brokers, although they usually trade for new information as often as coin.


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