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The Verdan are the youngest known race of Tol, having originated in 1081 SKR. The ex-Borderman Valkur Narthask led a group of Goblinoids away from the worship of Kavesh, due to Kavesh's seeming acceptance of the treachery of Kershak Nakrul in taking over Gristamere dishonorably. When he did so, a new aspect of Kavesh revealed itself to him – Kavesh the Renewer. He became the first Cleric of Kavesh the Renewer, leading his people into a strange new path. He and all his followers transformed into a new race…one that changes as it matures, moving from the smaller goblin state to a larger hobgoblin state as they age. Narthask named this new race the Verdan, from the goblin word meaning “changed”.   The Verdan seem to change in various ways, with their physical features, ears, skin tone, skin markings, and other features often shifting over time. In addition, the transformation into Verdan has allowed the new race to develop a limited form of telepathy. This grants them the ability to communicate simple concepts to one another without speaking at close range.   One cannot say what the future holds for this new race, but they seem ready to meet the future with heads held high.


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