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Borderman (in the Goblinoid tongue, Kethrikak) is a diplomatic position in Gristamere. The Borderman works with the Summerlings who guard the Summerwall to make sure that all sides are honoring the treaties that ended the Second Witching War. They are also responsible for taking reports of any rogue goblinoids who cross into Summerlund and cause damage or fatalities. They report to the Zhakastir so that appropriate actions can be taken.
  Until 1081 SKR, the Borderman was Valkur Narthask, brother of the Zhakastir Thrukesh Gerstenmager. Valkur held the position for over 15 years and had a cool if hospitable relationship with Captain Tolomos Greymantle of Bulette Company. After Thrukesh was killed in battle with the new Zhakastir, Kershak Nakrul, questions about his brother's death caused Valkur to resign the post. He now travels with the Cleric of Kavesh Kabarika Clikirik, seeking answers as to what happened.
Civic, Diplomatic


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