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Session 4 Report

General Summary

The session begins with the party sitting in Mirt's mansion. Mirt arrives and asks the party what he can help them with. They are not overly receptive to Mirt, and he has to pry out of them that they're after Floon who was kidnapped by Xanathar Guild from the warehouse in Candle Lane. He sends his assistant to investigate and whilst waiting attempts to get to know the party. The party aren't particularly open with him, and instead ask Mirt about his house and his wealth. How long he's lived in the mansion and how often people go missing. He is polite and generally open suggests about his heroic past.   The party attempt to snoop around the mansion but don't find out anything. The ask pointed questions about the Harpers, and Mirt doesn't confirm or deny, but agrees that the Harpers have an understanding of most of the goings on in Waterdeep. A short while later Mirt's assistant returns Mirt explains Floon was seen being taken into the sewers, and that Xanathar guild use yellow eyes as their sign.   The party departs the mansion and heads back to Candle Lane. On the way they stop off in a side street to open a sewer cover and have a little look around to judge what the sewers are like. They opt not to get protective gear and carry on to Candle Lane. There they go into the sewers and start following the yellow eyes. VreeNak uses paper and quill to note the way the party travels.   After an hour of wading through the sewers they come to a junction and find a Gazer that they kill, with Rhasan taking minor wounds. The party stop for a short rest where Rhasan uses a hit die and Stormborn heals him with a cure wounds.   The party continue and managed to sneak into the main Guild Hideout. They spotted the Goblin arrow slits and snuck in and killed the goblin in his sleep. Then snuck up on Krentz and Zenk, blinding Krentz and killing Zenk. Krentz surrendered and the party questioned him about what he knows. He said he knows about Renaer getting kidnapped by his boss and being questioned magic stone. The party beat him a little, tied him up and left him in the corner. THey didn't dispose of the slime before moving on.   The session ends with the party walking in on Grum'shar torturing Floon, and in the background a Mindflayer and Intellect Devourer are watching on.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Tower Stormborn
Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
Session 4 Notes by Orianna
Report Date
18 Oct 2022


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