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Wed 19th Oct 2022 09:14

Session 4 Notes

by Orianna

Underground lair (sewer)
Floon being tortured by half orc sorcerer?
Mind flayer on throne with intellect devourer
Mind flayer leaves
We kill the intellect devourer, then half orc.
VreeNak is crtically wounded & intellect eaten.
Carry him & Floon back out & also take Grumshar to hand over to City Watch.
Take Floon back to Yawning Portal to Volo
Heal VreeNak
Volo can't pay but gives paper to Trollskull Manor.
Go to Mangistrate next to sign deeds over.
Trollskull Manor is a dump, 1st floor tavern, 2nd & 3rd floor lodgings and library, balcony, turret, bath etc.
All clogged dirty (frogspawn in bath)
Chimney clogged, holes in roof, books in library damaged.
Tavern Guild halfling knocks and offers "services"
Get quotes from other trades people for works.
Plumbing 150gp, wood & plaster 400gp, stone mason 250gp, glass 100gp, ironwork 50g; total 950gp.
VreeNak puts alarm spell on house and we take shifts in watch.
By morning Rhasan's dagger is rusted
Weird broken carving of child doll missing head.