Hedroforn Character in Toriel | World Anvil


Hedroforn is sealed under the thick ice and deep mountain of the frozen heights within the territory of the ice peak concord. The dwarves harvest it's plant like body carefully to sustain their huge mountain city.


The Evolving Titan


The potential for growth of the hedroforn is so vast that some cultures incorporate the monster into religious doctrine, weaving its sporadic appearance into stories of divine judgment and wrath.   The Blossom brotherhood, a cult dedicated to the Demonlord Zyra also worship Hedroforn, as its warth may align with Zyra's objective.  


The Hedroforn is a Titan, a being so old is predate history and the creations of gods. Left to rule the lands with its unmatched strength.     The trolls reigned over Goria for six hundred years until Imperator Molok attempted to deceive the giants of Voninerike in 4520 BD. Molok amassed an army with the aim of challenging the Titans. His forces clashed against Tromokratis and the Hedroforn, ultimately perishing against these formidable monsters. Unaware of the trolls' freedom from the giants' influence, Tromokratis and the Hedroforn sought vengeance against the giants, sparking a conflict between the giants and the Titans.     As the giants mobilized their forces to confront the colossal adversaries, they found themselves outmatched by the Titans' might. The trolls, observing the Titans' progress, mustered a massive army and joined the fray, challenging the giants' dominion over the world.   Skoraeus Stonebones, the god of stone giants, sought to dissuade his siblings from joining the conflict, believing that the matter of their creation should be left for them to resolve. However, Stronmaus argued that the titan's involvment was not to be resolved by mortals and refused to heed his counsel. To tip the scales in favor of the giants, the giant gods intervened:     Surtur faced the Hedroforn and, unlike his twin, sought Grolantor's assistance in facing this formidable challenge. However, Memnor intervened, recognizing the need for a strategic approach rather than brute force.   Memnor approached Grolantor, claiming that he alone could defeat the Titan if he waited in the frosted heights. Meanwhile, he persuaded Surtur to forge unbreakable chains suitable for a Titan. Memnor orchestrated a confrontation between Grolantor and Surtur, spreading rumors among the giants' ranks that his brothers were distracted them from the urgent situation. When the Hedroforn defeated the giants, it learned of the feud between Grolantor and Surtur and sought to kill them both.   However, only Grolantor was there to face the Titan, and as he launched his assault, both he and the Hedroforn fell into a pit dug by Memnor leading to the deepest regions of the world. There, Surtur and Memnor chained the Hedroforn while Grolantor attempted to fight it, sealing the Titan within the caverns in 4508 BD.     Left by the gods as a captive in this subterranean prison, the Hedroforn posed a threat to Aq'id, whose inhabitants resided in these caves. The Hedroforn offered unspeakable power to the mantis in exchange for his freedom, yet despite the offers of power, the Mantis refused to release it, recognizing the peril to their people.   Over the course of two centuries, the titan's influence gradually infiltrated the highest echelons of Mantis society. In 4326 BD, the voice of the titan managed to infiltrate the thoughts of Grand Empress Shek'zeer, driving her to madness. Despite her descent into insanity, she adamantly refused to release the titan, redirecting her fury toward the surface-dwellers who had left the creature imprisoned in the depths.   After a war opposing the mantis and the mantis, the empress was removed. The first decree of the new empress was to maintain vigilance over the chained titan, making it the duty of Aq'id to watch over it.

Cover image: Hedroforn Stage 3 by Brolken
Character Portrait image: Hedroforn Stage 4 by Brolken


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