Stronmaus Character in Toriel | World Anvil


"You name yourselves trolls, and seek to be freed from our influence, your pride and arrogance have taken you too far. For your transgression, you shall be toys of all mortals, devote of intellect and will:
— Stronmaus

God of fellowship. God of Storm Giants

Storm giants pay homage to Stronmaus, the god of storm giants. In the giants’ legends, Stronmaus is subject to gray moods and deep brooding that are just as intense as his moments of good humor. It is also true that storm giants aren’t as humorless as popular notions paint them to be. They’re quiet and reserved when they’re by themselves, which is how they spend most of their Time. But when they get together with others of their kind, they enjoy mirth, song, and drink as much as Stronmaus does. For the sake of their privacy and for the safety of smaller beings in the vicinity, these rare gatherings occur far from the presence of other creatures, thus perpetuating the giants’ reputation for always being gloomy and grim.  


Mental traits

Stronmaus is a joyful god, prone to laughter and enjoy fellowship with his siblings. Stronmaus' image is in sharp contrast to how storm giants are perceived in the world: aloof and dour. Nonetheless, it is an accurate one.  


The trolls reigned over Goria for six hundred years until Imperator Molok attempted to deceive the giants of Voninerike in 4520 BD. Molok amassed an army with the aim of challenging the Titans. His forces clashed against Tromokratis and the Tarrasque, ultimately perishing against these formidable monsters. Unaware of the trolls' freedom from the giants' influence, Tromokratis and the Tarrasque sought vengeance against the giants, sparking a conflict between the giants and the Titans.   As the giants mobilized their forces to confront the colossal adversaries, they found themselves outmatched by the Titans' might. The trolls, observing the Titans' progress, mustered a massive army and joined the fray, challenging the giants' dominion over the world.   Skoraeus Stonebones, the god of stone giants, sought to dissuade his siblings from joining the conflict, believing that the matter of their creation should be left for them to resolve. However, Stronmaus argued that the titan's involvment was not to be resolved by mortals and refused to heed his counsel. To tip the scales in favor of the giants, the Giant gods intervened:   Stronmaus, the god of storm giants, forged a hammer to empower his followers in battle against the Titans, Jotun Hammer. The hammer's impact created the Hammerfall Crater, where the storm giants later erected the Hammerfall CItadel. Bestowed with storm-related abilities and the power of levitation, the sentient hammer served alongside the storm giants against the Titans.   With the Titans defeated, the giants marched toward Goria, Trolerike's capital and unleashed their fury. A roaring storm churned above the city as the ground groaned and trembled. Over several hours, lightning, fire, and earthquakes ravaged the city, bringing down every wall and building, sealing off the escape routes, and burning the ships in the harbor. When nothing but ash and rubble remained, the earth itself wrenched open like a giant maw to swallow Molok and the remains of his great city whole.   Untold thousands of trolls died that day; none were left alive by the giants. Only whispers of the event would reach the other Gorian cities and outposts, but those whispers would be enough to discourage any further tampering with the giants. The Death of Molok marked the end of the Trolerike in 4507 BD.   As a final punishment for the trolls, Stronmaus cursed them with a debilitating curse, stripping them of their intellect and will, reducing them to mere toys of mortals.


(God of fellowship. God of Storm Giants)

The Storm Lord
The Smiling God
Giant Pantheon
Storm Giant
Chaotic Good
Storm Giants
Nature, Tempest
Storm Giants

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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