Skoraeus Stonebones
God of art, God of stone giants
Stone giants worship Skoraeus Stonebones as the great artist, a master craftman who infuse his every creation with his art. He appears in Stone Giant art as a pair of hands, one holding a chisel and the other a hammer.
In the legends of the giants, Skoraeus often sits on the sidelines during the schemes and battles of his siblings. He acts as an observer, a confidant to the other gods, and a keeper of secrets that he must be forced or tricked into divulging.
In a classic tale, Memnor came to Skoraeus and whispered something in his ear. When Surtur demanded to know what Memnor had said, Skoraeus told his brother exactly what he had heard. Surtur brooded on that message, which was misleading when taken out of context, and eventually reacted rashly, but the consequences of his acts were seen as no fault of Skoraeus. If Surtur had instead asked Skoraeus for advice about Memnor’s words, the legend would have ended differently.
Skoraeus is considered the most knowledgeable of the Giant gods about Magic, wards, banes, hidden treasures, and the secrets of the earth. Skoraeus gave the secret of smelting to Surtur. Skoraeus showed Thrym how to carve runes on his old weapons to imbue them with magic when Surtur refused to forge new ones for him.
Skoraeus Stonebones
(God of art, God of stone giants)