Vampire Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Vampire as a race is not to be confused with the curse of vampirism, a twisted vile version of the curse of lycanthropie. The vast majority of people is totally unable to differentiate actual vampire from the twisted Lycanthrope, as they are similar enough for the common folk to be unable to tell the difference. The existence of such a distinction is not even known by most people.   Coming from the shadowfel, many vampires haunt fables and legends, from their inferior representatives (like Mula, Fleder, Garkain), even attacking beasts, and whose frightening stories are told to children, to the prestigious higher vampires, not even needing blood to survive, and being totally immortal and timeless beings, the vampire crimson society is diverse and varied. At the top of their society, the higher vampires dominate and control, not necessarily being malicious beings, they occupy their infinite existence to learn more and more about this world. some of them even having important roles in nowadays world.  


For a higher vampire, blood is akin to alcohol for humanoids—intoxicating, flavorful, and a rite of passage into adulthood. While higher vampires don't require blood for sustenance, consuming it can induce a state of intoxication and euphoria, creating a unique and addictive experience.  


Physical features

Despite their exotic qualities and the fear of uncertainty they exude, Higher and intermediate vampires are naturally seductive and tend to have flawless facial features.  

Mental traits

Higher and Inter,ediate vampires are passionate creatures, equally capable of blissful love and seething rage. Known to hold long-lasting grudges, their passion can often lead to feelings of unrest.


Those vampires differentiate themself into 3 categories, lesser, intermediate, and higher.  

Lesser vampire.

Lesser vampires are those unable to shapeshift, those who have to hide in dark alley, lurk in sewer and ancient temple and lure they prey in. Such as Ekimmara, Ekimmara Scourge, Fleder, Protofleder, Garkain, Alpha Garkain, Vargheist, Ancient Vargheist, Varghulf  

Intermediate vampire.

Intermediate vampires are those able to shapeshift, they still require blood to survive, but are often more cunning, and able to hide among humanoids. Such as Alp, Deathwail Alp, Bruxa, Night Mother Bruxa, Katakan, Nekurat, Mula  

Higher vampire.

Higher vampires are shapeshifters too, spending the vast majority of their Time in a humanoid form, they are the strongest of all vampires, and control those under them. Higher vampires do not need blood to survive. They are four types of high vampire: Blood Caller, Death Weaver, Feral King, Night Blood.
by Suzanne Helmigh

Notable members

General Information
Scientific name
Homo sapiens homovorus
Geographic Distribution
Average Lifespan
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens homovorus
by Mikhail Palamarchuk

Cover image: Vampire by Raymond Minaar


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