Lycanthrope Species in Toriel | World Anvil


"Wolves aren't as bad as they're made out to be. Werewolves, though — they're every bit as bad and worse."
— Elsa Vilge, archer
One of the most ancient and feared of all Curses, lycanthropy can transform the most civilized humanoid into a ravening beast. In its natural humanoid form, a creature cursed by lycanthropy appears as its normal self. Over Time, however, many lycanthropes acquire features suggestive of their animal form. In that animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of a normal animal. On close inspection, its eyes show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence and might glow red in the dark.  


Shifters are descendants of Lycanthrope, their blood diluted, they mostly do not possess the ability to fully turn into animal or hybrid form, however, they also possess control over any kind of animal instinct inherent to their power.   Due to their heritage, shifters are immune to lycanthropy, as the curse already flows in their veins.  


Neither animal, nor man, the werewolf takes the worst from both species: the bloodlust and primal nature of a wolf, and the ruthlessness and cruelty of a Human.   A werewolf is a savage predator. In its humanoid form, a werewolf has heightened senses, a fiery temper, and a tendency to eat rare meat. Its wolf form is a fearsome predator, but its hybrid form is more terrifying by far — a furred and well-muscled humanoid body topped by a ravening wolf’s head.  


Cursed Monster. One becomes a voref werewolf as a result of a curse thrown by a spellcaster -- the change itself is uncontrollable and unwilling. The voref can be called upon by the witch that cursed it, playing the role of unknowing assassin or enforcer. A man who transforms back to his human form can’t usually remember the atrocious acts committed as a werewolf — otherwise he would surely go mad and take his own life, to no end since the curse won’t even allow him this relief.   Bound in Death. Killing a voref for good can prove difficult, for the Magic of the curse binds it in death as well, bringing it back to life if slayed. The only known way to prevent this is to pierce its heart with a silver weapon during the full moon, or to force the spellcaster that cursed it to lift the spell. The voref's curse can at times be lifted, yet there is no universal, surefire method for doing this. A group of adventurers seeking to undertake such a task must equip themselfves with a great deal of patience – and sturdy armors.   Hidden Killer. Hunting a voref is extremely hard and dangerous due to the hidden nature of the werewolf. The werewolf seems perfectly normal and do not manifest the classic symptoms of lycanthropy while the curse lies dormant, until its master decides to trigger it. Still, werewolves are creatures of the night and they are especially active during the full moon, as such, vorefs must transform during the full moon, just as other werewolves. Vorefs are also very allergic to aconitum, also known as “Wolfsbane”, making them avoid areas where the plant grows.   Lone Hunter. A Voref usually goes hunting alone, carrying the order of its master, as there rarely is an opponent that can match its strength, agility and fast health regeneration. It strike as swiftly as lightning with claws sharp as razors and regenerate any damage received in mere moments. If a voref actually encounters an enemy that has equivalent strength and can fight a fair fight, the werewolf will fight to the death to accomplish its mission, caring little for its own safety.   Curse of the Voref. The curse of a voref werewolf operates quite differently from common lycanthropy on a mystical level. As such, the bite of a voref does not spread the curse, for the magic is contained inside the unfortunate vessel. During the full moon, a spellcaster that knows the bestow curse spell can use a 9th level slot to cast the curse. A wish spell can inflict the curse as well. Until the next full moon, the curse can be dispelled as any spell would, but once it reaches that point only the creature that casted it can revoke it. Alternatively, a wish spell casted specifically to break the curse will also work if the werewolf lies dead  


“Ulfhedinn? What's that, some kind of fish?”
— Professor Artibus Joannes Rack, geographer, disappeared during a surveying expedition in the northern lands.
  Winter's Fury. Ulfhedinn are a breed of werewolf found mainly in arctic or cold parts of the world. The harsh and barren conditions of these lands might explain why they primarily hunt men and are stronger than their southern brethren. They have an intimate connection with the forces of winter and thrive in freezing temperature, using blizzard and snow storm to dissimulate their approach. Only a few daring warriors in history have managed to defeat an ulfhedinn, and each of them is commemorated in ballads as a hero to this day.   Too Far Gone. It is believed that ulfhedinn were once simple werewolves, but in time empowered the curse by killing and feeding on countless human lives. As their power grew, so did the curse, and they finally became incapable to take any other form than that of a deadly hybrid. The werewolf became their true nature, and the person they once were is definitively gone. No stories exist of ulfhedinns being freed from their curse, and most experts agree that the curse is simply impossible to break once it reaches that point. Some rare texts also mention a potent curse that can only be performed during the winter solstice, a curse capable of turning a murderer dressed with a winter wolf pelt into an ulfheddin.   Predator King. Ulfhedinn are often called “Wolf King” in ballads and legends, and indeed packs of predator seem to instinctively defer to them, particularly dire wolves and winter wolves. The pack show signs of respect to the werewolf, leaving fresh kill at the entrance of its cave or directing preys toward its lair, cutting all possible retreat and watching their supreme alpha take the kill. Those affected by lycanthropy can feel their inner beast stir within them as the werewolf approaches, for these predator kings have the power to awake the beast inside any cursed shapeshifter, forcing them to change and serve him as the king of hunters.   Unbreakable Curse. The ulfhedinn is what awaits every werewolf that lives long enough to take countless lives and become a monster driven only by a constant bloodlust. Lycanthropy can usually be cured with magic, such as the remove curse spell or more powerful effects, but in the case of the ulfhedinn, such spells are useless. There is no known way to reverse the curse once it progresses that far, the person they once were is only vaguely present in some small habits or the werewolf favorite prey.  


  Most werebats are of Goblin stock. Werebats are shunned even by goblin society because of their need to feed on blood to survive. They prefer to lair in dark places, such as attics and caves, and typically adopt nocturnal hunting habits.   Blood Drinkers. A werebat must consume at least 1 pint of fresh blood each night, or it weakens and gains one level of exhaustion that no amount of rest alone can remove. Each pint of blood the werebat consumes removes one level of exhaustion gained in this fashion.  

Vampiric Curse

A Twisted version of the lycanthropy allowing a creature to turn into a hybrid of bats, the vampiric curse was meant to create a hybrid of humanoid and Vampire instead of bats. This twisted modification was however also referred to as vampirism by the common folks. This modification of the curse is extremely old, and one of the secrets held in the Book of Vile Darkness. Just like the original curse, a bite can spread the influence of this "Vampirism" curse. Transformation takes months, if not years to complete, the effect of the curse slowly developing in the subject as they let more of the dark need of vampirism take over them. Twisted by the modifications, the curse creates dark desires, unable to resist those desires, the cursed creature's thoughts are tormented and tortured until they succumb to this dark side.  


Weretigers are ferocious hunters and warriors with a haughty and fastidious nature. Lithe and sleekly muscular in humanoid form, they are taller than average and meticulously groomed. Weretigers grow to enormous size in animal and hybrid form.  


Wereboars are ill-tempered and vulgar brutes. As humanoids, they are stocky and muscular, with short, stiff hair.  


Werebears are powerful lycanthropes. In humanoid form, they are large, muscular, and covered in hair matching the color of their ursine form’s fur. When a werebear transforms, it grows to enormous size, lashing out with weapons or claws. It fights with the ferocity of a bear.  


Wererats are cunning lycanthropes with sly, avaricious personalities. They are wiry and twitchy in humanoid form, with thin hair and darting eyes. Although a wererat can deliver a nasty bite in its rat form, it favors that form for stealthy infiltration and escape rather than combat.   Wererats are found throughout urban civilization, often dwelling in cellars and catacombs. These creatures are common in the sewers beneath major cities, viewing those subterranean areas as their hunting grounds. Rats and giant rats are commonly found living among wererats.  


Wereravens are secretive and extraordinarily cautious lycanthropes that trust one another but are wary of just about everyone else. Although skilled at blending into society, they keep mostly to themselves, and respect local laws.   Charitable Collectors. Wereravens like to collect shiny trinkets and precious baubles. They are fond of sharing their wealth with those in need and, in their humanoid forms, modestly give money to charity. They take steps to keep magic items out of evil hands by stashing them in secret hiding places.  


It is believed this hunting game of Jaden Kor Deer is the origin of lycanthropy. The curse later spreading by other means. A human who wronged him, called Hircine, had to face the trial. Cunning and showing incredible feat of ingenuity, Hircine managed to escape the god of the hunt and to recover all six tokens of his power. Brought back to Toriel, Hircine realized he was known blessed with new power, the ability to turn into the beast he was once hunting.mation   Lycanthropy began as a benevolent gift bestowed by Jaden Kor Deer, intended to reward those brave souls worthy of such a boon. This enchantment allowed the fortunate recipient to assume animalistic features, harnessing the strength of various creatures.   However, the seemingly generous gift came with an unexpected twist. The lycanthropic influence extended beyond physical traits, imbuing the individual with the spiritual characteristics of the animals they transformed into. This dual nature often led to these individuals being perceived as cursed, forcing them into seclusion to navigate their complex existence.   the gift could also be transmitted through a bite, further fueling the belief that it was a curse rather than a divine blessing from Jaden Kor Deer.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution


Average Lifespan
Small to Medium
Average Height
Average Weight


by Mikhail Palamarchuk

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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